- Absolutely!The collinearity exists between them. 查看完全版本: 是否会共线性?
- Why does perfect collinearity matter? 为什么完全共线性是个问题?
- Turn the mode dial to select multi exposure mode. 把模式盘转到多重曝光模式。
- The Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. 印度大宗商品交易所。
- Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. 和印度多种商品交易所。
- Multi Vision TM Confined Space Gas D. 密闭空间气体检测仪。
- Are you looking for a great multi purposes herb? 您寻找一伟大多purposes草本吗?
- Used as the base data for the MULTI counters. 用作MULTI计数器的基数据。
- Multi freezing air orientation,freezing equably. 多重变换冻结气流方向,冻结均匀。
- The US is a multi racial nation. 美国是一个多民族国家。
- It can be considered a multi stage carburizing. 这一过程可以看成是一个多段渗碳过程。
- The control points are collinear or not well distributed. 地图配准后更新显示,出现如下错误?
- Automatic multi purpose surface sanding machine. 全自动多用途表面砂光机.
- The collinear geometry has many merits such as delay calibration. 共线几何结构有比较多的优点,具备自校准功能。
- The multi wildcard chars of this table. 该对照表所使用的万用比对字元。
- Tibetan and Qiang multi -national area. 藏羌民族地区
- Gueldenstaedtia multi flora Bge. 米口袋
- Objective The collinearity in data can produce inaccurate estimator and test. 目的共线关系可产生不准确的估计及检验。
- Soft sensor modeling of selectivity to acrylonitrile using kernel PLS and kernel PCR is proposed to cope with the nonlinearity and multi high dimension of input and collinearity problem of process. 提出了用核函数PLS与核函数PCR建立工业丙烯腈生产过程丙烯腈收率软测量模型,以便更有效地处理过程非线性、多输入和数据共线性等复杂特性。
- That new multi storey car park is an utter monstrosity! 那座新建的多层停车场难看极了!