- Mr Jones: The William Jones? 琼斯先生:哪个威廉·琼斯?
- Mr Jones takes the cake as a story teller. 琼斯先生讲故事是无与伦比的。
- Mr Jones took for granted that the invitation included his wife. 琼斯先生理所当然地认为他妻子也在被邀请之列。
- Mrs Smith proposed the vote of thanks, and Mr Jones seconded (it). 史密斯夫人提议大家鼓掌表示感谢,琼斯先生附议。
- Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble. 琼斯先生有长期的心脏病史。
- Don't forget to pay the money back to Mr Jones. 不要忘记把钱还给琼斯先生。
- Mr Jones burned out the clutch on his car. 琼斯先生把离合器烧毁了。
- Mr Jones is in the market for a new car. 琼斯先生准备买一辆新车。
- William Jones, your words were all trash. 只要这两句还在,这段话就是垃圾。
- Mr Jones lost all his money playing the horses. 琼斯先生在赛马场上输掉了所有的钱。
- I declare William Jones elected. 我宣布威廉。琼斯被选中。
- Mr Jones: "Walk on the hills." OK? 琼斯先生:“在山上漫步”可以吧?
- I authorized Mr Jones to act for me while I was away. 我委托琼斯先生在我外出期间代理我的工作。
- Mr Jones played fairy godmother to the boys and had a baseball field made for them. 琼斯先生帮助这些男孩子并为他们建造了一个棒球场。
- Mr Jones insured house against fire for fifteen thousand dollars with the company. 琼斯先生的房子向这家公司保了15000美元的火险。
- Mr Jones is at the helm in our London office, if you'd like to contact him I'm sure he can help. 我们的伦敦办事处由琼斯先生领导,如果你想同他联系的话,我敢肯定他会鼎力相助的。
- Mr Jones has a natural constituency among steel workers. 琼斯先生在钢铁工人中自有一批人拥护。
- Mr Jones only take his cream puff out for a drive on Sunday. 琼斯先生只是星期天才驾着他那辆二手车出去兜风。
- Mrs Jones has decided to vote for the Democrats, but Mr Jones is still on the fence. 琼斯太太已决定投民主党的票,但是琼斯先生仍在犹豫之中。
- Mr Jones is a good chess player, and he soon had me beat coming and going. 琼斯先生是个象棋高手,他一下子攻得我走投无路。