- To bob or jerk(something)up and down or to and fro. 急动,上下晃动上下左右地摆动或推动(某物)
- To bob or jerk(something) up and down or to and fro. 上下左右地摆动或推动(某物)。
- To move or rock lightly up and down or to and fro in an unsteady,jerky manner. 抖动以颠簸、不稳的状态前后上下轻微地摇晃或移动。
- Move up and down or to and fro 上下或往复移动
- To move briskly and repeatedly from side to side, to and fro, or up and down. 摇摆轻快并重复地从一边到一边、前后或上下运动
- An insect's versatile antennae can move up and down or laterally. 昆虫灵活的触角能够上下或向侧边自由转动。
- Now move the hand to and fro and around but not up and down. 让手来回动或兜圈子,但不能上下动。
- Now he felt weightless again and with an ever-so-slight motion of the tail he could move to and fro, up and down, as before. 现在,他重新感觉到身体轻飘飘的,尾巴稍稍一摆,他就能在水里游来游去,游上游下,和从前一样。
- He walked to and fro in his room [up and down his room]for a good hour. 他在房里整整来回走了一个钟头。
- Cool long period of wind blown leaves and move up and rustling, thick leaves, pointing to the moon, rocking to and fro. 凉悠悠的风,吹得树叶动起来,沙沙作响,密密的树叶,指着月亮,摇来摇去。
- To jerk up and down or back and forth. 上下或前后猛动
- To move up and down in the manner of a pump handle. 上下抽动使用柄的方式上下移动。
- Click and drag MMB on the Viewport's area: If you start in the middle of the window and move up and down or left and right, the view is rotated around the middle of the window. 按下MMB并拖动鼠标来改变视口区域:如果最初在窗口的正中,并上下左右移动,视口就会绕窗口正中旋转。
- To and fro, up and down, north, south, east, and west, the Hispaniola sailed by swoops and dashes, and at each repetition ended as she had begun, with idly-flapping canvas . 西斯潘尼奥拉号时而前后摇晃,时而上下起伏,对着东南西北各个方向横冲直撞,而且每重复一次便又回到开始时的状态,只剩下船帆僻里啪啦地在空中作响。
- To sway, move up and down, or droop, as flowers in the wind. 上下摆动弯曲上下来回移动或垂下,如在风中的花朵
- To move about or to and fro rapidly and gracefully; flit. 快速优雅地来回移动;轻快地动。
- To sway,move up and down,or droop,as flowers in the wind. 上下摆动弯曲上下来回移动或垂下,如在风中的花朵。
- To move about or to and fro rapidly and gracefully;flit. 快速优雅地来回移动;轻快地动
- Move up and down if we press the cursor or gamepad keys. 我把代码删掉,直接规定一个与时间无关的步长再调试,就比较流畅了。
- Farther north, the aurora frequently looks like fiery draperies [which hang from the sky and sway to and fro (while flames of red, orange, green, and blue play up and down the moving folds) ]. 极光经常看起来像燃烧著红色、橙色、绿色如火焰般的帐幔,来来回回的在天空摇荡。