- Mountains rise straight up. 群山耸立。
- The Aqima Mountain rises straight up and the current runs Yangxumu River raises the brave and industrious KuLun people who leads a simple life. 巍巍耸立的阿其玛山,生生不息的养畜牧河哺育了勤劳勇敢、纯朴敦厚的库伦人民。
- The smoke rose straight up into the sky. 烟直上云霄。
- We are sure that there is sb in the house because we see smoke rise straight up in the air. 我们确信房子里有人, 因为我们看到有烟冒出来。
- Ah Si's wife set a pot of rice on to boil and nervously watched for the time when the steam from it would rise straight up. 四大娘心神不定地淘米烧饭,时时看饭锅上的热气有没有直冲上来。
- On this particular cold January morning the winds were light, which allowed the superheated gases and steam to rise straight up into the sky from the glowing and spattering vents within Puu Oo. 在一月这个特别寒冷的早晨,微风轻拂,高热的各类气体和水蒸气得以从普乌火山口中炽热而澎湃的裂隙中向上直冲云霄。
- The mountain rise up in a steep wall of rock. 这座山高而陡,形成一道岩石屏障。
- The smoke rose straight up. 烟直直地上升。
- The mountain rose up in a steep wall of rock. 这座山高而陡,形成一道岩石屏障。
- a column of smoke(= smoke rising straight up) 烟柱
- She went straight up to the door and knocked loudly. 她径直走到门口重重地敲门。
- The mountains rise to 5,000 feet. 这些山高达5 000英尺。
- Mountains rise abruptly (over the plain). 群山崛起。
- Ah si's wife set a pot of rice on to boil and nervously watched for the time when the steam from it would rise straight up 四大娘心神不定地淘米烧饭,时时看饭锅上的热气有没有直冲上来。
- The Rocky Mountains rise over 3000 metres above sea level. 落基山海拔3000多米。
- She go straight up to the door and knock loudly. 她径直走到门口重重地敲门。
- The smoke rose straight upwards. 烟一直向上升。
- She went straight up to the door. 她一直走到门口。
- In this area mountains rise steeply and rivers crisscross. 这一地区奇峰陡立,河流纵横。
- I will have an Absolute straight up, please. 我来一杯不加冰的纯伏特加。