- Mosquitoes detoxified DDT. 蚊子对滴滴涕有抗药性。
- DDT sprayed into the air kills mosquitoes and other insect pests. 喷射到空气中的DDT能杀死蚊子和其他有害昆虫。
- A mosquito netting completely surrounds our bed. 一顶蚊帐把我们的床完全围住了。
- The house is regularly spraying with DDT. 房屋是定期用DDT喷洒。
- This infection is transmitted by mosquitoes. 这种传染病是由蚊子传染的。
- The mosquito is a transmitter of disease. 蚊子能传播疾病。
- Meningitis is communicated by mosquitoes. 脑膜炎是经由蚊子传染的。
- We were beset by mosquitoes in the swamp. 我们在沼泽地遭受蚊虫围攻。
- Mosquitoes are carriers of malaria. 蚊子是疟疾的传播媒介。
- This disease is carried by mosquitoes. 这种疾病是蚊虫传染的。
- The baby was badly bitten by mosquitoes. 这婴儿被蚊子叮得很厉害。
- The mosquitoes annoyed me so much I couldn't sleep. 蚊 子搅得我无法入睡。
- There were swarms of mosquitoes around here. 这儿蚊虫成群。
- In the swamp we were beset by mosquitoes. 我们在沼泽地受到蚊子的围攻。
- Are your mosquito bites still itching? 你被蚊子咬的地方还在痒吗?
- It's just a mosquito bite. There's nothing to worry about. 这只是蚊虫咬伤,没有什么可担心的。
- All doors and windows are sealed for the extermination of mosquito. 为了消灭蚊子,所有的门窗都被封闭起来了。
- Electrical current is being detoxified upon Earth. 地球上的电性流通正在被解除。
- Mosquitoes like to suck the blood of people and animals. 蚊子喜好吸人和动物的血。
- Congress then banned the use of DDT in1972. 国会因而在1972年立法禁止使用滴滴涕。