- Morse invented the telegraph. 摩尔斯发明电报。
- morse invented the telegraph 摩尔斯发明电报。
- The basis for our modern system of communication began when Samuel Mores invented the telegraph, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, and Guglielmo Marconi invented the telegraph without wires. 现代通信系统的起点是从萨缪尔·摩尔斯发明电报、亚历山大·格雷汉姆·贝尔发明电话、以及古格里莫·马可尼发明无线电报开始的。
- Samuel Morse patents the telegraph. 塞缪尔.;摩尔斯获得电报专利。
- She went to the telegraph office in a hurry. 她匆匆忙忙向电报局去了。
- Can you tell me who invented the telephone? 你能告诉我是谁发明了电话?
- Laszlo Biro invented the ball-point pen. 拉斯洛·拜罗发明了圆珠笔。
- Do you know the telegraph operator living over the way? 你认识住在路对面的那个报务员吗?
- Morse found that source of power, and he also invented a system for using the telegraph, the Morse code. 摩尔斯找到了那种电源,同时他还发明了“摩尔斯码”系统用于电报。
- Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in1876. 一八七六年阿历山大格雷厄姆贝尔发明了电话。
- The telegraph has been cut between the two cities. 这两座城市之间的电报业务已经中断。
- Morse found that source of power, and he also invented a system for using the telegraph, the Morse code. He was responsible for our first system of communication based on electricity. 摩尔斯找到了那种电源,同时他还发明了“摩尔斯码”系统用于电报。他是我们的第一台电力通信系统的创造者。
- I invent the story about the man on my way home. 在回家的路上,我虚构了有关那个人的故事。
- The telegraph ticked out a message. 发报机滴滴答答地发出电报。
- Nearly two thousand years have passed since our ancestors invented the compass. 自从我们的祖先发明指南针以来,将近两千年过去了。
- She went to the telegraph officein a hurry. 她匆匆忙忙向电报局去了。
- Chinese has invented the powder. 中国人发明了火药。
- The bank is close to the telegraph office. 银行靠近电报局。
- Who invented the ball-point pen? 谁发明了圆珠笔?
- The telegraph ticked out message after message. 发报机滴滴答答不停地发报。