- Moriyama Mayumi 森山真弓(1927-),日本人,女参议员。
- All the Memebers: Sugi, Kayoko, Shishamo, Mayumi, Toshi, Koji and Masa. (check picture to see bigger image)成员:杉山,Kayoko,柳叶鱼,庆子,敏,Koji,正。
- Mayumi Gato of IMX says, "SJS is most popular with young generation. imx的mayumi gato说:“苏志燮在年轻一代中最受欢迎。
- Summary: Kohei Moriyama quit his job as a doctor 8 years ago and now works at the city hall. 本剧讲述以医疗问题为题,一位外科医生重建倒闭了的医院的人性化电视剧。
- Kohei Moriyama quit his job as a doctor 8 years ago and now works at the city hall. 所谓医疗就意味着认真地面对患者。
- Moriyama IM. Development of the present concept of cause of death. Am J Public Health 1956;46:436-41. 吕宗学,林金坤,李孟智,周明智:临床医师对死因诊断所应有的观念与态度。台湾医界1994;37(6):521-524.
- Kawada N,Moriyama T,Ando A,et al.Increased oxidative stress in mouse kidneys with unilateral ureteral obstruction[J].Kidney Int,1999 ;56 (3):1004-13. 陈荣权;陈香美;崔世维.;组织金属蛋白酶抑制物在老年大鼠肾小管间质病理损害中的动态变化[J]
- The Japanese delegation of the most dazzling is the star swimmer Mayumi Narita, the Paralympic Games in Athens, including Narita won the relay gold medals, 7. 日本代表团中最耀眼的明星是游泳选手成田真由美,在雅典残奥会上,成田夺得包括接力项目在内的7枚金牌。
- Mario Giampietro and Kozo Mayumi : Population and Environment: Special Issue on Societal Metabolism-Part 1 of 2, Vol. 22(2), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Nov. 2000. 白井利明;二宫克美;高木秀明;大野久;森阳子;福冨护:家庭内暴力;福村出版;东京;2000年11月.
- Meanwhile, Aikawa Mamoru (Moriyama Mirai) has come to this talent agency as an accountant.There, he meets a young talented actress by the name of Azusa Rina (Katou Rosa)... 自幼失去双亲的瞳美,面对变化无常、世事难料的人生,总是以愉快迎接每一天的思考方式来勉励自己。
- Some also like the peasant woman Wangui, the concept of Monty days, the monks chanted Buddhist scripts Journey to sleep, work cattle, Panda play stations, water Lu Lei, Moriyama monkeys. 有的还像农妇晚归、壮士观天、和尚念经、八戒睡觉、黄牛耕耘、熊猫打站、鲤鲁出水、猴子守山。
- 1 Nishizawa T, Okamoto H, Konishi K, Yoshizawa H, Miyakawa Y, Mayumi M. A novel DNA virus (TTV) associated with 2陈红松,丛旭,王宇.;经输血传播病毒(TTV)在血液透析患者中感染状况及基因分析
- Mayumi Yoshimoto(National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences,Kannondai 3-1-3, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8604, Japan 朱建国,韩勇,刘刚(中国科学院南京土壤研究所,南京,210008
- Mayumi 真弓(姓,日本)
- Moriyama Takeshi 森山武(1931-),日本人,官员。
- Moriyama Yukio 森山幸雄(1917-),日本人,官员。
- Aoki Mayumi 青木真弓
- Yamashita Mayumi 山下真由美
- Moriyama Eiichi 森山锐一(1894-1956),日本人,官员。
- Moriyama Haruo 森山治夫(1937-),日本人,教育家。