- Morioka Tsuneo 森冈常夫(1911-),日本人,文学教授。
- He has also visited Morioka and Miyako. 他也访问了盛岗和宫古。
- Yes, says an official, that old fall-back of the call-centre has been tried in the prefectural capital, Morioka, with some success. 是的,正式的说,在地方中心福冈的呼叫中心恢复一些古老的产业是有一定的益处的。
- The common element between the Tokugawa era and today, says Osaka-based philosopher Masahiro Morioka, is peace. 居住在大阪的哲学家森冈正博说,德川年代与今天的共同点是和平。
- Bae Yong Joon-san’s work will be displayed at Morioka’s Iwayama Lacquer Art Museum upon it’s renewal open at end of May. 裴勇俊先生的作品将在五月底重新开放的盛岗岩手漆艺艺术博物馆展出。
- Tetsuma Toshioka,Tsuneo Tsuchida,Katsuo Sasahara,1995,“Applications of GPR to detecting and mapping cracks in rock slopes”,Journal of Applied Geophysics,vol.33,pp.119-124. 邓文中,1995,透地雷达应用于管线侦测模拟与应用研究,国立中央大学,硕士论文。
- emcee: BYJ was secretly visiting Morioka. 主持人:裴勇俊秘密访问盛岗。
- Iwate Medical University: 19-1 Uchimaru, Morioka, Iwate 020; tel. (0196)51-5 岩手医科大学:岩手;1928年成立;1952年改建大学。
- Ryu Sato * Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University, Morioka, 020原始页: 2008年.;所有权利保留
- voice: And Bae Yong Joon-san stayed in Morioka from 26th of last month(February) till 4th. 视频语音:裴勇俊先生从上个月(2月)的26日一直呆在盛岗,直到(3月)4日。
- Tsuneo I ,Shizuo I ,Michihiro I. Thermoplastic polyurethanes ,their manufacture ,and molded products thereof . J P 04 315 712,1992 山西省化工研究所.;聚氨酯弹性体手册[M]
- ”This shows that “might is right” is still offer Masahiro Morioka, according to the minds of these people. 这表明“强权就是公理”的阴魂还盘据着森冈正宏这类人的头脑。
- Toshio Morioka,Masatoshi Saruwatari.All-optical ultrafast non linear switching utilizing the optical Kerr effect in optical fibers[J].Opt.Eng,,1990,29(3) :200 著.黄超,胡国绛,译.李世忱,校.非线性光纤光学[M].天津:天津大学出版社,1992
- Tsuneo Watanabe 渡部恒雄
- Watanabe Tsuneo 渡边恒雄(1940-),日本人,《读卖新闻》社负责人。
- Matsudaira Tsuneo 松平恒雄(1877-1949),日本人,参议院议长。
- Fujii Tsuneo 藤井恒男(1928-),日本人,参议员。
- Sugimoto Tsuneo 杉元恒雄(1920-),日本人,参议员。
- Morioka Kintarō 森丘金太郎(1927-),日本人,官员。
- Masui Tsuneo 增井经夫(1907-),日本人,东方史教授。