- Chronic period often cannot find clap diplococcus on smear. 慢性期在涂片上往往找不到淋病双球菌。
- Any of various paired spherical bacteria,including those of the genus Diplococcus,some of which are pathogenic. 双球菌一种成对球形细菌,包括双球菌属的细菌,其中一部分是致病的
- Clap diplococcus is not affected not the skin of damaged, but can affect not the mucous membrane of damaged. 淋病双球菌不感染未破损的皮肤,但可感染未破损的粘膜。
- It is the children acute contagion of the wintry spring popularity that causes by meningitis diplococcus. 是由脑膜炎双球菌引起的冬春季流行的小儿急性传染病。
- Any of various paired spherical bacteria, including those of the genus Diplococcus, some of which are pathogenic. 双球菌一种成对球形细菌,包括双球菌属的细菌,其中一部分是致病的
- Health population in Jinan had higher immunity to ECM diplococcus of Group A,but had lower one to that of Group C. 济南市健康人群对A群脑膜炎双球菌有较高的免疫力,但对C群脑膜炎双球菌免疫力普遍较低。
- The commonnest pathogenic bacteria is streptococcic, it is grape coccus and pneumonic diplococcus and coliform organisms next. 最常见的致病菌为链球菌,其次为葡萄球菌和肺炎双球菌及大肠杆菌。
- When checking purulent fluid, can search inside the cell see diplococcus of negative of coloring of change orchid family name. 检查脓液时,在细胞内可找见革兰氏染色阴性双球菌。
- The acute that clap is the genital of secrete make water that causes by clap diplococcus infection or slow sex appeal catch sexual inflammation. 淋病是由淋病双球菌感染引起的泌尿生殖器的急性或慢性感染性炎症。
- Clap diplococcus returns the recrudesce of former to trachoma garment put oneself in another's position to rise to accelerate effect. 淋病双球菌还对沙眼衣原体的复发起到加速作用。
- Results: Baihuling pyretolysis powder is most sensitive to Diplococcus lanceolatus and Staphylococcus aureus, sentive to beta streptococcus, insensitivity to Bacillus coil. 结果:白虎羚退热散对肺炎双球菌及金黄色葡萄球菌最敏感,时乙型链球菌敏感,对大肠杆菌不敏感。
- Results:Baihuling pyretolysis powder is most sensitive to Diplococcus lanceolatus and Staphylococcus aureus,sentive to beta streptococcus,insensitivity to Bacillus coli. 结果:白虎羚退热散对肺炎双球菌及金黄色葡萄球菌最敏感,对乙型链球菌敏感,对大肠杆菌不敏感。
- Besides diplococcus gonorrhoeae,the urethra which causes by other pathogens infects is called the non-gonococ- cus urethritis,mainly by nature contagion. 除淋球菌外,由其他病原体引起的尿道感染称为非淋菌性尿道炎,主要由性接触传染。
- Our results show that clinician must select antibiotic according to the drug sensitive test of diplococcus gonorrhoeae to prevent drug-fast bacteria multiple infection. 其结论是临床用药应参考淋病奈瑟菌药敏试验结果,合理选用抗生素,预防多重耐药菌株的产生。
- The drug tolerance of 62 strains of diplococcus gonorrhoeae in our hospital in 2002 were analyzed and it s tolerance rate to normal antibiotic were got to know clearly. 本文分析2002年度我院所分离62株淋病奈瑟菌耐药情况,了解淋病奈瑟菌对常用抗生素的耐药率,为临床用药提供参考。
- Children bronchopneumonia is by coccus of pneumonic diplococcus, grape, second model streptococcic cause, these bacteria are very sensitive to penicillin, hit penicillin so effective. 小儿支气管肺炎是由肺炎双球菌、葡萄球菌、乙型链球菌引起的,这些细菌对青霉素都很敏感,所以打青霉素有效。
- Meningitis diplococcus is concealed in the nose pharynx secretion of patient or carrier, basically wait for You Feimei to travel from air directly through cough, sneeze, conversation, enter respiratory tract and cause infection. 脑膜炎双球菌隐藏于患者或带菌者的鼻咽分泌物中,主要通过咳嗽、打喷嚏、说话等由飞沫直接从空气传播,进入呼吸道而引起感染。
- Shedding a head is the fester sex meningitis that causes by meningitis diplococcus, any ages can come on, come on with wintry spring more, the incidence of a disease after November begins to rise, 2 - reached a peak in April. 流脑是由脑膜炎双球菌引起的化脓性脑膜炎,任何年龄都可发病,以冬春季发病较多,11月后发病率开始上升,2-4月达到高峰。
- young animals diplococcus disease 双畜双球菌病
- Diplococcus alibicans tardissimus [医] 最懒性变白色双球菌