- I saw him make mops and mows at Mary. 我看见他冲着玛丽做鬼脸。
- She mops her tears with a towel. 她用毛巾擦眼泪。
- The housemaid comes to mop our kitchen floor twice a week. 女佣每周两次到我家来拖洗厨房地板。
- I must mop up the last of the work. 我必须把最后这部分工作做完。
- I used a mop to sop up the spilled water. 我用拖把把泼出的水擦干。
- Mops demonstratorn. 伏耳塔犬吻蝠
- I have to mop the kitchen floor at least once a day. 我每天至少要把厨房地板擦洗一次。
- She mop up the pools of water on the bathroom floor. 她擦去浴室地面上一滩滩的水。
- Don't mop up the spilt milk; the cat will lick it up. 泼出的牛奶用不着抹掉; 猫会把它舔掉的。
- I usually mop the kitchen floor twice a week. 通常我每周两次拖洗厨房地板。
- The demonstrator turned over a police car. 示威者推翻了一辆警车。
- We must mop up the arrears of work . 我们必须把耽误的工作做完。
- She's been nagging at him to mop the floor. 她一直罗罗唆唆地催他去拖地板。
- I did mop the floor, honor bright. 我的确擦过了地板,真的。
- Scuffle broke out between police and demonstrator. 警察和示威群众扭打起来
- He sopped up the water on the floor with mop. 他用拖把把地板上的水拖干。
- VODER? Voice Operation DEmonstratoR? 语音操作演示器?
- You do not need to mop the floor every day. 你不需要每天拖地板。
- You should have seen him mop up his dinner. 他该看看他那狼吞虎咽的样子才好。
- Yes,she mops the floor every day. 是的,她每天拖地板。