- My free day is Wednesday. 我礼拜三不工作。
- Soon after, soon after the frush free day frost-free date for your area. 黑色塑料护盖物可以帮它们保持温度。
- Beragam kegiatan bakal digelar dalam car free day di wilayah Jakbar ini. 在“无机动车日”这一天,很多活动将要在西雅加达举行。
- Sunday is the freest day of mine. 星期天是我最不忙的一天。
- Holiday (George Washington's Birthday). Free day with host family. Evening: Farewell Gathering. 放假(乔治·华盛顿诞辰),全天与接待家庭活动。晚上欢送会。
- Soon or warm, soon after the frosh is free day frost-free date for you your area. 假如仍然有霜冻的危险,夜晚时为早期植物准备好覆盖物。
- Wether Monday is a blue day or a free day is depends on the personal inner instead of job. 周一是个郁闷的日子还是个闲散的日子,这取决于个人的心态而非职业。
- Soon after, soon after the florist free day poor uer frost-free date for your area. 如果夜晚还是有结冰霜的分险,那么最好要准备把那些幼苗覆盖起来。
- Free day for shopping, visiting friends and family, or dining at nearby Asian cuisines. 早上可自由探亲、或往酒店附近的温哥华著名食府品尝各式点心及美食。
- I hope they will play tomorrow in Sacramento (they wil go with team on the road) but JVG could give them another free day. 我希望他们会打明天对国王的比赛(他们会和球队一起登上旅程),但是范甘迪也很有可能再让他们休战一场。
- Beijing put 200 more buses on the city's streets on Saturday for the convenience of citizens who left their cars at home to support "Car Free Day". 本周日北京在城市街道上投入了200多辆公共汽车,此举是为了方便那些支持“无车日”而放弃驾车离家的市民。
- Beijing is one of the 108 Chinese cities, which also include Shanghai, Jinan, Fuzhou, Kunming, Changsha and Taiyuan, that responded positively to the "Car Free Day". 北京是包括上海、济南、福州、昆明、长沙和太原在内的108个积极响应“无车日”号召的城市之一。
- Saturday marks China's first large-scale participation in "Car Free Day" activities. The number of cars dropped noticeably in most of the participating cities on the day. 星期六标志着中国首次大规模参加“无车日”活动。当天大多数参加此活动的城市中小汽车出行数量明显减少。
- Here we have a society that permits divorce and seems to have plentiful free day care, and yet an otherwise functioning member of that society acts like a Victorian hysteric. 在这里,我们有一个社会,允许离婚,似乎有充足的免费日托,但运作的其他社会成员的行为象一个维多利亚歇斯底里。
- For best result results with the least this the risk, they say, plant when the soil is warm.Soon , soon after the frast free day frost-free date for you your area. 他们说,当植物种在温暖的地方,就避免了你所在地区突然遭受霜冻时,它们的危险。
- Victory in Valencia ensured midweek games every week until the end of the season, and the busiest schedule possible.That ensured that Wednesday 11 April was the only free day. 在瓦伦西亚的获胜也意味着我们本以后的比赛都会面临一周双赛,估计这段时间是最忙的时候了,4月11号,这个周三是唯一一天可以好好休息的日子了。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
- Free day with host family. 全天与接待家庭活动。
- Beragam kegiatan bakal digelar dalam car free day di wilayah Jakbar ini. Antara lain senam pagi, sepeda santai, bazaar dan pagelaran musik. Uniknya nanti juga ada pembagian pohon kepada warga. 在“无机动车日”这一天,很多活动将要在西雅加达举行。比如说做早操,骑自行车游玩,露天市场和音乐表演。特别的是还会有向市民分树的活动。
- The crew remained free from scurvy. 那些船员仍然没有患坏血病之虞。