- During Meng and Yuan period, Mongolian women enjoyed relatively higher position in family, society and law affairs. 摘要在北元时期,蒙古族妇女享有较高的家庭地位、社会地位和法律地位。
- Balsam pear, former koel Ni Xiya, it is in Song Yuan period travels person our country about. 苦瓜,原产于印度尼西亚,大约是在宋元时期传人我国。
- "South Jingde, North Pengcheng," Song and Yuan period developed into the largest non-governmental kilns north. “南景德、北彭城”,宋元时期已发展成为北方最大的民间瓷窑。
- Yuan period, nineteen years Dynasty (1224 AD), in Wuqiang County TOBU home or state, is a true direction. 元时期,太祖十九年(公元1224年),于武强县升置东武州,属真定路。
- Through the study of etiology,treatments,prescriptions and drugs,we can show the development of Seasonal febrile disease theory in Jin Yuan Period. 通过对金元时期温病学病名、病因病机、治法方药的系统研究,展示温病理论在金元时期的发展情况。
- This article deals with the alphabets, transliterations and writing form of the Buddhism literatures in Mongolian scripts unearthed in ancient city and holds the idea that the Buddhism literatures emanate from Mongolian Yuan period. 本文考察了哈勒不浑-巴勒哈孙古城出土的蒙文佛经所使用的字母、音和文章格式,判定它们源自蒙元时代。
- This article discussed the positive role and negative influence that the empress during Meng and Yuan period administered the country and held court from behind a screen, and the historical source that the empress acted as regent. 摘要本文论述了蒙元时期的皇后、摄国称制、垂帘听政的积极作用和消极影响以及皇后干政的历史根源。
- At last, Wang Chongyang and the Quanzhen sect preserved the Daosit culture during the truceless Song, Jin, Yuan Period and made great contribution in lasting and developing Daoist culture. 最后,从中国道文化学术的命运来把握,王重阳及他所创立的全真道在宋金元时期的衰危乱世中保存了中国道文化学术的命脉,为道文化薪火的传续与光大立下了不可磨灭的功绩。
- In the Yuan period the LongQuan Kilns produced larger and heavier wares. New varieties of porcelain decoration were introduced, such as appliques and copper-red or iron-red spotted decoraton. 元代龙泉窑产品制作趋于粗放厚实,但贴花、铜红和铁红加彩的出现,为这一时期装饰工艺增添了新的色彩。
- the four eminent physicians in Jin and Yuan period 金元四大家
- Characteristic of or resembling a Mongol. 带有蒙古人特点的或象蒙古人的
- He needed ten yuan to settle up this bill. 他需要十块钱来付清这一帐单。
- Mongol - yuan period 蒙元时期
- After the second great integration in Sui and Tang dynasties, the development of Chinese national unity underwent the second great conflict in Song, Liao, Xia, Jin and Yuan periods. 中国民族团结的发展在经历了隋唐的第二次大整合之后,在宋辽西夏金元时又进入第二次大冲突时期。
- How much of that forty yuan have you left? 40块钱用得还剩多少了?
- As the headstream of Chinese popular novels, Dunhuang popular novels have epoch-making significance, proving that Vernacular stories of Song and Yuan periods stem from Dunhuang popular novel. 敦煌通俗小说是中国古代通俗小说的滥觞,在小说史上具有开创性意义,它们以实物形态雄辩地证明了宋元时代话本小说的繁荣并非一种突发现象,而是有其源头活水。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- The annual premium on my policy is 3000 yuan. 我的保险单每年的保险费是三千元。
- Mongol ruler who succeeded his father, Genghis Khan. 窝阔台蒙古统治者,他继承了父亲成吉思汗的王位
- Let us hope that the period of this injustice will be over soon. 让我们希望这个不公正的时期很快结束吧。