- Adding a momentum term to BP is a common technique to speedup the convergence, but it may also stimulate the occurrence of premature saturation. 而加入一动量项于倒传式学习演算法中是一个加快收敛速度之常用的做法,但是其又与未成熟饱和问题的产生有相关性。
- This paper introduces the blind source separation and the principle of BSS algorithm based on neural network,expounds the forward neural network BSS algorithm based on variable momentum term,and makes the computer simulation experiment. 介绍了盲源分离及基于神经网络盲源分离算法的原理,阐述了基于变动量项前馈神经网络盲源分离算法,并进行了计算机仿真实验。
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 从眼前来看,这药可能疗效不是很大。
- The sledge gained momentum as it ran down the hill. 雪橇从山上下冲时动量越来越大。
- An irreversible momentum toward open revolution. 朝向公开革命不可逆转的势头
- The autumn or winter term start in September. 秋季或冬季学期九月份开始。
- Are there any exams at the end of this term? 这个学期期末有考试吗?
- The second term commences in March. 第二学期自三月开始。
- Strong forward momentum; driving force. 强大的前动力; 推动力
- We must aim for world peace in the long term. 我们要争取持久的世界和平。
- He tells us in no uncertain term not to come again. 他直截了当地告诉我们不要再来了。
- The struggle for independence is gaining momentum every day. 为独立而斗争的势头日益增长。
- He selected an extensive reading course this term. 这个学期他选修了泛读课程。
- We hope to make great profit in the long term. 我们希望长期获利。
- As the rock rolled down the mountainside, it gathered momentum. 石头滚下山时,它的动量增加。
- This term will begin on September 7th. 这个学期将于九月七号开始。
- Above term shall apply unless otherwise mention. 除非另有说明书,上述条件一概适用。
- Our group blocked out a teaching plan in this term. 我们小组草拟了一份本学期教学计划。
- Students must remain in residence during term. 学生於学期中必须住校。
- The shop is let on very favourable term. 该商店以特惠条件出租。