- This Mola mola won't make it to 4,000 pounds. 这条翻车鱼不会长到4,000磅。
- You'll find the Mola mola in warm and temperate zones of all oceans. It eats fishes, zoa plankton, and jellyfish. 翻车鱼分布于所有海洋的温暖区域。它以鱼、浮游动物和水母为食。
- To put that in perspective, a Mola mola can gain over 60 million times its birthweight. 如果以比例计算,翻车鱼会长到其出生体重的6千万倍。
- Manta (all year), Mola mola (August - October), coral reefs, abundant fish, drift diving. 魔鬼鱼(全年),太阳鱼(8-10月),珊瑚,放流潜水,丰富鱼类。
- Tomorrow is the highlight of the whole Bali diving trip, the supposingly sighting of the Sun Fish, alias Mola Mola!!! 我们终于找到那名潜水员在愉快享受着清水的洗礼,而我们却东奔西跑地寻找她的下落!!
- The Mola mola, or Giant Sunfish. It looks like a massive swimming head, but can move with surprising speed, thanks to its large fins. 翻车鱼或大翻车鱼。它看起来像一个巨大的会游泳的头,但因鳍很大,所以可以惊人的速度游动。
- In its lifetime, the Mola mola will grow from 1/10 of an inch long, to a fish that's 14 feet long weighing 4,000 pounds! 在它一生中,翻车鱼会从约1/10英寸长,生长为一条14英尺长,重约4,000磅的大鱼!
- And is eaten by sea lions. This Mola mola won't make it to 4,000 pounds. But these others, these are the living proof you need, to win that trivia contest. 而会被海狮吃掉。这条翻车鱼不会长到4,000磅。但其他鱼,是你赢得百科知识比赛所需的活生生的证据。
- The COI gene of T. fasciatus shows a high degree of homology with that from the other 14 fish species recorded in the GenBank and it has 97.6% homology with Takifugu rubripes,76.5% with Masturus lanceolatus and 75.4% with Mola mola. 用DNA分析软件对暗纹东方?与GenBank中10个目14种鱼类的COI序列进行比较分析;显示暗纹东方?与这些鱼类的COI基因具有较高的同源性;与同属红鳍东方?的同源性最高为97.;6%25;与同目不同科的矛尾翻车?和翻车?的同源性为76
- High temperature molybdenum bars Mola. 高温钼条。
- BIBER) completa di cavaletti e Mola Borazon. 注释 : Affilatrice (anno 2007) ad acqua (marca: CARINTHA M.
- La mola peco kolorigu vojagxon de vi. 让灿烂的微笑温馨你前行的旅程。
- Changchun set-net fishing ground ,Chiafong set-net fishing ground ,Otoshi trap net ,Mola mola ,Analysis of fluctuated catch data 关键词:长春渔场,佳丰渔场,落网类定置网,翻车鲀,渔况变动分析
- [Latin] Mola mola 太阳鱼
- Mola molan. 翻车鲀
- Here they sacrificed goats and a, puppy, and made offerings of a sacred grain mixture, the mola salsa. 在那里,他们还要摆放献祭的山羊,一只小狗和一种神圣的古类混合物油酥点心。
- Book online the cheapest hotels in Mola di Bari - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Mola di Bari 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
- The erupt direction appears mesial tilting in the mandible and distal tilting in maxillary more frequently.Conclusions:The development of third mola... 萌出方向下颌近中倾斜向出现率高,上颌远中倾斜向出现率高。
- Simulations show that the MOLA can satisfy the performance needs of Emergency communications and monitoring system to localization. 仿真结果表明,该定位算法能够满足应急通信与监测系统对定位性能的需要。
- In the assassination operation, two young Israeli agents driving a motorcycle parked in the car next to the high-risk Mola Shi, shot him shooting. 在这次暗杀行动中,两名年轻的以色列特工驾驶摩托车停在莫拉什所乘汽车旁边,开枪朝他射击。