- Nowadays modern urban parks face with a series of questions: Closure of traditional urban parks, occidentalizing tendency of designing clue, market influencing and creativity declining. 目前上海现代城市公园面临以下问题:传统城市公园封闭围合、现代园林景观规划设计理念的西化倾向、市场影响和创造力衰退等。
- Modern urban park 现代城市公园
- Increasingly anonymous modern urban environment. 人情日益淡薄的现代都市环境中。
- The Chinese urban park is a kind of falsified nature. 中国的城市公园实际上是对自然的一种伪造。
- Discussion on the Difficulty and Strategy of Modern Urban Parks Development-- The Case of Shanghai Urban Parks 现代城市公园发展的困境及策略探讨--以上海为例
- The film is a lugubriously paced reflection on modern urban life. 这部电影是对现代城市生活的黯然的描述。
- Historical relics such as Ming Yuzhen's Tomb, the Jiangbei Park, the Cehou Pavilion and the Christian church will all receive fine preservation and shine with brilliance amidst modern urban life. 在这条轴线上,明玉珍墓、江北公园、测侯亭以及天主教堂等古代遗迹,将得到充分良好的保护,并在现代都市生活中焕发出璀璨的光辉。
- They does account for some really antisocial tendencies in modern urban growth. 他们的确说明了在现代城市发展中实际上存在着某种破坏社会的倾向。
- Urban parks are back in fashion. 市区公园重新开始流行了。
- Traditional beliefs still flourish alongside a modern urban lifestyle. 现代城市生活方式盛行的同时,传统信念仍然大行其道。
- The contemporary urban park, open to masses, is an integral part of the city nowadays. 当代的都市公园对大众开放,是如今的城市必不可少的一部分。
- These lost in our modern urban soul sent a modicum of emotional comfort. 为我们这些迷失在现代都市中的灵魂送去了些许情感的慰籍。
- Bailandong (White Lotus Cave) is an urban park in Zhuhai, has a lots of green, springs, huge stones, a lake and hidden temples. 白莲洞公园,珠海市其中一个市区公园,有大片绿地,泉水,巨石,大湖和隐于山间的庙宇。
- This urban promenade is bisected by an allee of trees marching down from the existing Urban Park and connecting the new river edge with the existing historical park. 林荫树木将木栈道一分为二,从现存的城市公园一直延伸,并将新河边缘和现有的历史公园连到了一起 。
- In a larger sense, however, they shrink to insignificance when overlaid on the modern urban battlefield. 然而,从某种意义来说,在覆盖现代城市战场方面它们的作用缩小到几乎没有意义。
- Create a precedent of fixed or nonsked call together is met, the spot does consortium, examine guidance and the major problem in solving urban park afforest. 定期或不定期召开例会,现场办公会,检查指导和解决城市园林绿化中的重大问题。
- The modern urban architecture of Brasilia, capital of Brazil and situated on the Brazilian Central Plateau, is included in UNESCO list of cultural heritage sites. 巴西的首都巴西利亚位于巴西中央高原上。巴西利亚的现代城市建筑被联合国教科文组织列入人文遗产名单。
- In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma. 在都市的发展中,我们往往会陷入困境。
- In the process of modern urban development, we often found ourselves in a dilemma. 在都市化的发展中,我们经常处于进退两难的境地。
- How does urban infrastructure construction meet the needs of modern urban development? 城市基础设施建设如何适应现代化城市的发展要求?