- The theory about the advantages of disyllable words in modern Chinese is once again proved by pure Chinese character trans-pronunciation words. 现代汉语双音节词占优势的结论,再一次被纯汉字音译词证明。
- The relationship between the semanteme of the modern Chinese character and the meaning of the formed word has stable patterns and regula... 音符构成情况复杂,包括多音音符、成字音符、非字音符、变读音符等。
- The related research has been tarrying out only a little more than 20 years, which shows the trend of Modern Chinese Character Radical Method to be deeper and more deliberated. 专门的研究仅有20多年的历史,表现出现代汉字部首法体系趋向缜密并向深处发展的趋势。
- The Vowels of Chinese character pronunciation in the South Korean language can be divided into high and level, rising and entering tones which, in traditional Chinese phonology and modern phonetics, are different from those in modern Chinese ones. 韩国汉字音的韵母可分阴声韵、声韵和入声韵,这些韵母从中国传统音韵学和现代语音学的角度同现代汉语的韵母相比,有不同之处。
- The nation has released the revised edition of the Basic Vocabulary Table of Modern Chinese Characters. 国家公布了修订版的《现代汉语常用字表》。
- This system thus discards the ASCII character generator which is inherent to the computer,and instead adopts the method of redesigning the dot matrix for alphameric characters and modifying the display scode of modern Chinese characters. 系统舍去原有的 ASCII 字符发生器;采用了重编西文字符的字形点阵;修正现代楷体汉字显示范围的方法.;保证了西文字符与楷体汉字;古汉字在字形尺寸上的比例关系与机内码的比例一致
- According to the difference of its function, the component of modern Chinese characters can be divided into four categories:word-sign,semanteme, phonogram, and mark. 现代汉字的构件依其功能的不同可分为词符、义符、音符和记号四类,独立构成单字的构件不应定为不表音义的记号,而是兼表音义的词符。
- Modern Calligraphy Style Design is an idea which gestate from Modern Style Design, it belong to the category of Modern Chinese Characters" Style Design. 现代汉字书法字体设计是在现代字体设计中孕育出的一个设计概念,它属于现代汉字字体设计的范畴。
- The original design of modern Chinese character form 现代汉字字体的创意设计
- Three Problems of the Modern Chinese Character Formation 现代汉字字形研究三题
- the segmentation of Modern Chinese Character Radical Method 现代汉字部首法的切分
- Ancient and Modern Chinese Characters 古今字
- Brief Discussion on Foreign Word Translation in Modern Chinese Character System 现代汉字系统中外来字母词翻译浅议
- The Study of Variant Forms of a Chinese Character in Modern Chinese Dictionary 《现代汉语词典》异体字研究
- Methods of Storing Chinese Charact. 液晶显示器汉字字模存储方法。
- He is an authority on modern Chinese history. 他是一位中国近代史的权威。
- Could you turn it into modern Chinese? 你能把它译为现代汉语吗?
- Put this into modern Chinese, please. 请把这译为现代汉语。
- The Chinese character in the emblem is unique. 会徽里的中国汉字非常独特,
- Nanchang Chinese character number software Ltd co. 南昌市汉字数码软件有限公司。