- Labor value, Capital and Modem Market Economy 劳动价值论、资本与现代市场经济
- Analysis On The Government Position In Modem Market Economy 现代市场经济中的政府定位分析
- The Equilibrium Range of Total Amount in the Modem Marketing Economy Operations 现代市场经济运行中的总量均衡区间问题
- Modem market economy 现代市场经济
- Accountant computerization is an important part of the modem enterprise management in market economy. 在市场经济中,会计电算化是现代企业管理的重要组成部分。
- We can develop a market economy under socialism. 社会主义也可以搞市场经济。
- Hong Kong,as you know,is a free market economy. 大家也知道,香港是一个自由市场经济体系。
- EARLIER this year Ukraine became a market economy. 今年早些时候,乌克兰成为市场经济国家。
- Look at Market Economy by Dialectical Sight II. 用辩证的眼光看市场经济2。
- China has a booming free market economy. 中国有一个蓬勃的自由市场经济。
- Macro adjustment is needed in a market economy. 市场经济需要宏观调控。
- The main driver for modem market growth,particularly the international market,is the Internet. 推动Modem市尝尤其是在国际市场上增长的主要动力是因特网。
- Hong Kong, as you know, is a free market economy. 大家也知道,香港是一个自由市场经济体系。
- Market economy is an economy of efficiency. 市场经济就是效率经济。
- The main driver for modem market growth, particularly the international market, is the Internet. 推动modem市尝尤其是在国际市场上增长的主要动力是因特网。
- Formation of the socialist market economy theory. 会主义市场经济理论的形成。
- Policy failure is common in market economy. 在市场经济体制下,经常会出现政策失灵。
- Our country is a big developing country and is in the transitional period from the traditional planned economic system to modem market economic system. 摘要我国是一个成长中的大国,又正处于从传统计划经济体制向现代市场经济体制过渡的关键时期。
- How the Concept of Market Economy be Presented? 市场经济概念是怎样提出来的?
- The market economy needs a new breed of talents. 市场经济需要一种新型的人才。