- Modem distance learning is a new teaching form of the learning society, it can combine the social education function of library. 摘要现代远程教育是学习型社会一种新的教育形式,它与图书馆的社会教育职能契合。
- The modem distance learning 现代远程教育
- Modem Distance Learning 现代远程教育
- The TV University modem distance education online learning resources are a crucial problem tobe solved with great efforts. 电大现代远程开放教育的网上教学资源建设是必须大力解决好的一个关键问题。
- Most educators are in faor of distance learning. 多数教育家支持远程教育。
- TVU modem distance education has accumulated some experience in building online learning resources, but there also esist many problems and shortcomings. 电大开展现代远程开放教育以来,积累了一定的网上教学资源建设经验,但也存在许多问题和不足。
- The Ghanaians took part from a distance learning center in Accra. 加纳人参加了位于阿克拉的远程中心。
- Navigating the distance learning world can be tricky. 远程学习的世界可能非常棘手。
- This paper introduces XML technology, its major characteristics and application in modem distance education. 可扩展标记语言XML是W3C发布的标准,是下一代网络应用和发展的重要基石,本文介绍了XML技术及主要特点,并对其在现代远程教育中应用做了详细的探讨。
- The assurance of quality in the development of modem distance open education is a serious problem. 摘要现代远程开放教育的发展为其质量的保证提出了一个严肃的问题。
- Distance learning helps to provide a well-rounded education for all the people. 远程教育有利于给所有人提供完备的教育。
- Commitments and I shall finish my distance learning course in coaching. 我也会完成教练员远程培训课程的学习。
- The actual distance learning system based on Web has some drawbacks. 但是目前的基于Web的远程教学系统存在着一定的不足。
- However, How to make full use of modem techniques and teaching measures to carry out modem distance education is an urgent issue to be studied and explored. 然而,如何充分利用现代化的技术条件和教学手段实现现代远程教育,是摆在我们面前亟待研究和探讨的问题。
- Self-study packages and distance learning courses are also available for those who are interested. 犯人如有兴趣,也可攻读自修课程及遥距学习课程。
- The proposed study from the perspective of modem vocational education instructors teaching online media influence and role modal to explore how to use Internet media career development of modem distance education to raise education lev- els. 本文拟从传播学角度浅谈网络媒体对现代职业教育教学模式的影响和作用,探讨如何运用网络媒体发展现代远程职业教育,以提高教育教学水平。
- E-Learning or Distance Learning is a new method with the advent of information technology. 网络学习(DistanceLearning或e-Learning)是一种随着计算机网络技术发展而出现的新的学习方式,它通过创建基于网络的学习环境来帮助学习者达成学习目标。
- These sessions may include Internet Multimedia conferences, distance learning, Internet telephone calls and multimedia distribution. 这些会话可能包括因特网多媒体会议、远程学习、因特网电话通话和多媒体分配等。
- We ask asked the executive director, Michael Labord Lambert, for advice on choosing a distance learning program. 他说,首要的事是到高等教育授权委员会的网站上看学校是否被授权。
- This program has been approved by UBI to be offered through purely distance learning mode by NetAcademy Malaysia. 此课程获联合商学院批准由马来西亚网上学府以纯遥距方式开办。