- Modem Administrative Law 现代行政法
- Library Case Study of Administrative Law: Can Modem User Be More Frivolous? 图书馆行政法个案:魔电族真能魔高一丈吗?
- How to apply the basic principle of administrative law? 行政法基础理论与行政法基本原则具有内在的联系,行政法基础理论是行政法基本原则的理论根据。
- Part 3, Structuring of the main administrative law system. 第三部分,主要行政法律制度的建构。
- Environmental law heavily intertwined with administrative law. 环保法与行政法紧密纠缠在一起.
- The idea of modem administrative justice holds the balance between all interests, but the unlimited extension of power makes it extremely easy to dissimilate the idea. 摘要现代行政公正理念内蕴各方利益的均衡,而权力的无限扩张本性使之极易异化。
- The foundational theory of the administrative law is a hot topic. 行政法的理论基础问题一直是一个备受关注的问题。
- Neil Hawke, An Introduction to Administrative Law, p.80. 藤田宙靖,行政组织法,法律出版社,一九九四年,第一二九页。
- With the development of modem administration, the administrative contract is prominent in national administration function day by day. 摘要随着现代行政管理的发展,行政合同在国家行政中的作用日益突出。
- Then I would like to introduce the basic principles of administrative law. 下面我来谈谈行政法的基本原则。
- They are also seldomly involved in our textbook of the Administrative Law. 本文力求从质上予以区分 ,以利于对它们有更好地把握。
- As a product of evolution of modem administrative task and function, administrative discretion aims for searching for legitimacy of individual ease, deduction of legislative expense and promotion of administrative efficiency. 摘要行政裁量是现代行政任务和行政功能变化的产物,其目的在于追求个案的正当性,减少立法成本,促进行政效能。
- As a general character of the administrative laws of all modem countries, administrative umpirage is a power the government must have in order to perform its functions. 摘要行政自由裁量权是现代各国行政法中最具共性的部分,是实现政府职能所必需的权力。
- But, outcomes usually let students embarrassing because of inconsistency in Administrative law theories and practice. 然而,该领域行政法理论和实务的不统一使大学生维权屡遭瓶颈。
- We need to increase oversight of administrative law enforcement to make it stricter, fairer and more courteous. 要加强行政执法监督,促进严格执法、公正执法和文明执法。
- Properties expropriated by the administrative law enforcement organs or judicial organs. 行政执法机关或者司法机关没收、追缴的财产.
- It can be further divided into constitutional law, administrative law and criminal law. 可以分为宪法、行政法及刑法。
- Many provisions in military administrative law are the embodimentsof this principle. 军事行政法中的很多具体规定均体现了该原则。
- Again, on the bench, the same presiding commissioner was flanked by the elderly administrative law judge. 主席台上,同一个主持会议的委员的身边还是坐着那个年长的行政法官。
- Article 7 An act in breach of duty under administrative law is not punishable unless committed intentionally or negligently. 第7条违反行政法上义务之行为非出于故意或过失者,不予处罚。