- Mode vibration model 模态振型
- Coupled vibration model of tramcar and track was introduced. 建立了矿车及铁轨耦合振动模型。
- A Coupled vibration model of tramcar and track was introduced. 建立了矿车及铁轨耦合振动模型。
- Simulation results verified the rationality of the EV vibration model. 仿真结果表明了该电动车振动特性模型的合理性。
- By comparing ground vehicles and coal mine vehicles,the subject "vibration model of suspension system" is proposed. 从地面车辆和煤矿井下车辆对比入手,提出悬挂系统振动模型。
- In this paper,the principle of the horizontal inertial vibration seeder is introduced.The vibration model of this kind of seeder is established. 介绍了水平惯性振动播种机的原理,建立了排种器的振动模型。
- Longitudinal vibration model of the lifting container are built based on the viscoelastic model of lifting wirerope and solved with MATLAB6.5. 从建立钢丝绳的粘弹性振动模型出发,推导出了提升容器纵向振动模型。
- Longitudinal vibration model of the lifting container are built based on the viscoelastic model of lifting wirerope and solved with MATLAB6. 从建立钢丝绳的粘弹性振动模型出发,推导出了提升容器纵向振动模型。
- Through the swept frequency experiment study for a kind of CD-ROM,the damp ratio of vibration system and natural frequency of vertical vibration model are obtained. 通过对某型号CD光驱的隔振系统作扫频实验,获得振动系统的阻尼比和竖直振型对应的固有频率。
- Based on Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and the floor shear vibration model, the motion equation of a single core-tube suspension structure is derived through Lagrange's formulation. 摘要基于欧拉-伯努利梁理论和层剪切模型,应用拉格既日方程推导了单段核筒悬挂减振控制结构的运动方程。
- By using Euler-Bernoulli theory, the transverse vibration model of flexible missiles is obtained.Modal analysis method is used for calculation of the model. 摘要基于欧拉-自由梁模型理论得出弹性体导弹横向振动模型,用模态分析方法对模型进行求解。
- In this paper, the mass elastic damping torsional vibration model of 4 degrees of freedom and the reversal simulation model reconstructing IMEP are constructed. 本文针对四缸发动机建立了四自由度有阻尼强迫振动数学模型和反求平均指示压力的数学模型。
- With Dynamical modal analysis of electron gun by use of ANSYS software,we can get the inherent frequency and vibration model, which can avoid sympa-thetic vibration. 利用ANSYS软件对电子枪进行动力学模态分析可以得到电子枪的固有频率和振型,从而在结构设计上避免共振。
- A vibration model for the electric submersible pump and tubing stringcomhined system and the vihration model for rotmp parts of this system are established. 建议采取合理的减振措施,以延长潜油电泵的稳定工作时间,防止泵的早期破坏;
- Using Lagrange equation, the six-degree of freedom vertical direction vibration model of semi-active vibration isolation system is established for railway passenger car. 摘要依据拉格郎日方程,建立了六自由度铁路客车半主动隔振系统的垂向振动模型;
- The result indicates that, since the crack emerged in asphalt pavement, its dynamical charatiristic has been changed greatly, such as inherence frequency and vibration model. 动应力强度因子分布规律与外荷载变化曲线相似,随着阻尼比的增加,应力强度因子衰减的很快,同时应力强度因子峰值出现的时间逐渐后移。
- A twodegrees,of freedom vibration model of VRFB caused by cardio ballistic is presented,and the transfer function from cardio ballistic to VRFB is deduced out. 建立心冲击所致的VRFB两自由度振动模型,导出了心冲击与VRFB之间的传递关系。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- The spacecraft was in its recovery mode. 这艘飞船处于返回状态。
- LSFRV is a stochastic process obeying Gaussian distribution whose standard deviation can be gotten by the longitudinal vibration pavement spectral density of running vehicles and the longitudinal vibration model of running vehicles. 行车纵剪力是服从正态分布的随机过程,标准方差可以通过行车纵振路面谱和车辆纵振模型得到;