- Navy Mobile Construction Battalion 海军流动修建营
- Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 海军流动修建营
- Reserve Mobile Construction Battalion 后备役流动修建营
- Mobile Construction Battalion 流动修建营
- Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV): This unit will help to expand your base of operations. 移动工程车:这个单位可帮助你扩张你的基地。
- The MK 100 mobile construction crane expands this Liebherr crane programme upwards and is being presented to the trade for the first time at the 'Bauma'. MK 100移动式建筑起重机扩展了利勃海尔的起重机系列,并首次在Bauma交易会上展出。
- The MK series of mobile construction cranes combines the mobility of a classic truck crane with the functional advantages of a tower crane. MK系列移动式建筑起重机集经典车载式起重机的移动性与塔式起重机的功能优势于一身。
- Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit 修建营保养小队
- Naval Construction Battalion Reconnaissance Unit 海军修建营侦察小队
- Naval Reserve Construction Battalion 海军后备队修建营
- Naval Reserve Construction Battalion Division 海军后备队修建营处
- Naval Construction Battalion Atlantic Fleet 大西洋舰队海军修建营
- Naval Construction Battalion Center 海军修建营中心
- Water Tender Construction Battalion 修建营供水船
- Amphibious Construction Battalion 两栖修建营
- Construction Battalion Base Unit 修建营基地小队
- Construction Battalion Command Center 修建营指挥中心
- Construction Battalion Detachment 修建营分遣队
- Construction Battalion Replacement Depot 修建营新兵站
- She is much more mobile now that she has a car. 她现在出去方便多了,她有了一辆汽车。