- Mobile Advisory Team 流动顾问小组
- Machael Gardiner and the legal and advisory team across Australiaand the United States. 和法律咨询团队往来于澳大利亚和美国之间。
- The Obama campaign had an entire science advisory team that included two Nobel laureates, Harold Varmus and Peter Agre. 欧巴马竞选团队有一个完整的科学谘询小组,其中包括两位诺贝尔奖得主:法姆斯和阿格雷;
- The advisory team in Madrid sent this assessment to the Kremlin: "Arman's tanks group created real miracles. 在马德里的苏联顾问团给莫斯科送去了如下的评价:“阿尔曼的坦克群创造了真正的奇迹。
- Source:《 Preventing major industrial accidents in Asia: A guide》, By ILO East Asia Multidisciplinary Advisory Team( ILO/ EASMAT), ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. 源自:国际劳工组织东亚跨学科咨询小组,国际劳工组织亚洲及太平洋地区办公室,《如何防范亚洲重大工业事故的发生》,2006年8月。
- EAHC; East Asia Multidisciplinary Advisory Team; 东亚多科学咨询小组;
- United Nations Development Advisory Team; 联合国发展咨询小组;
- British Military Advisory Team Bangladesh 英国驻孟加拉国军事顾问组
- Combat Air Command Advisory Team 作战空军司令部咨询小组
- Matsu Defense Command Advisory Team 马祖防御司令部顾问小组
- Royal Air Force Air Defence Advisory Team 皇家空军防空顾问团
- Air Service Command Advisory Team 空军勤务司令部咨询小组
- Army Logistic Command Advisory Team 陆军后勤司令部顾问小组
- He is indisposed to join the mobile medical team. 他不想参加巡回医疗队。
- Canada-United States Scientific Advisory Team 加拿大与美国科学顾问小组
- She is much more mobile now that she has a car. 她现在出去方便多了,她有了一辆汽车。
- Chief of the Kingmen Defence Command Advisory Team 金门防御司令部顾问组组长
- Having freely articulated, highly mobile joints. 有自由连接,活动自如的关节的
- Commonwealth Military Advisory Team 联邦军事顾问小组
- The mobile medical team will soon be here. 巡回医疗队不久就要到这儿来。