- Mmale infertility 男性不育
- Endometritis is a cause of infertility. 子宫内膜炎是不育的原子。
- Eery year, millions of couples battle infertility. 每年都有无数夫妇与不孕症斗争。
- Infertility is normally seen as a private matter. 不孕之症在正常情况下都被看作是个人的问题。
- In many cases, infertility can be treated. 很多情况下,不育也是可以治疗的。
- What are the key causes of male infertility? 导致男性不育的主要原因是什么?
- Indications All men and women of infertility. 主治各种男女不孕不育症。
- How many percentages the male infertility are? 男性不育占多大比例?
- In women, untreated gonorrhea can lead to infertility. 在女性,未经治疗的淋病能导致不孕。
- But we had not reckoned on the possibility of infertility. 但我们没有预料到不育的可能。
- The uterine tube is the factor that leads to infertility. 216例不孕症患者中输卵管不通畅者107例,占49.;53%25。
- Why the number of male infertility increase annually? 男性不育为什么逐年增多?
- Asthenospermia is one of the familiar causes of male infertility. 弱精子症是引起男性不育的常见病因之一。
- Some infertility experts worry about their health and deelopment. 一些不育专家为他们的健康和发育担忧。
- Now, a study shows it might also be linked to infertility in women. 而今,一项研究表明反式脂肪也可能与妇女不孕有关。
- Ironically, infertility can now be passed from father to son. 具有讽刺意味的是,不育现在可以通过父亲传给儿子。
- Clinical analysis of tubal infertility caused by artificial abortion. 未产妇人工流产致输卵管性不孕的临床分析。
- The researchers linked the risk of infertility to the extent of the cutting. 研究人员把不孕不育与大范围的器官割除联系在一起。
- Such funds are scarce, and infertility is not a life-threatening condition. 这情有可原,原因是这种基金少之又少,而不孕之症并不会对人的生命有任何的威胁。
- This method is quite effective for infertility due to tubal obstruction. 峻竣煎结合中药灌肠治疗输卵管阻塞性不孕疗效确切。