- Mizoguchi Kenji 沟口健二(1898-1956),日本人,导演。
- Depending on these honor, Takeshi Kitano becomes one which of the best directors after Heizeming, Nagisa Oshima, Kenji Mizoguchi, Yasujiro Ozu, Shouhei Imamura in the Japanese movie history. 凭借这些荣誉,北野武成为日本电影史上继黑泽明、大岛渚、沟口健二、小津安二郎、今村昌平之后的最受欢迎的导演之一。
- Kenji woke up with a major hangover from last night's party. 建二带着昨晚晚会留下的醉意醒过来。
- It is certainly possible to exaggerate Mizoguchi's foreignness. 对沟口健二的异国属性夸大其词是肯定有可能的。
- Rumbaut and Kenji Ima of San Diego State University. 许多父母都为此做出了个人牺牲。
- I do not, however, want to exalt one part of Mizoguchi's oeuvre over another. 不过,我并非希望在沟口健二全部作品中的不同类别之间厚此而薄彼。
- Mr Mizoguchi is not a campaign strategist, US Federal Reserve chairman or even an online pundit. 他并非大选战略家,也不是美联储主席,甚至连网络权威也不是。
- Kenji Kuwashiro of the Keihin Kyuko Railway says its commuter train network is already using the early warning system. 这个新的预警系统利用了两种波的间隔,得出将要爆发地震的警告。日本通过几十年的发展,全国有1000多个地震议,现在可以通过计算机网络来预警。本周即将启动这一系统。
- KENJI OKUMURA,TOSHIHIKO KURIYAMA.Transient aerodynamic simulation in crosswind and passing an automobile[R].SAE paper 970404. 郭正;李晓斌;瞿章华;刘君.;用非结构动网格方法模拟有相对运动的多体绕流[J]
- Foreign groove: Mizoguchi Feng Peng of the village there are many to choose from Sichuan Museum. 沟外:沟口的彭丰村有很多川菜馆可供选择。
- Donald R.Van Deventer,Kenji ImaiCredit Risk Models & the Basel Accords [M]. John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd 2003. 梁世栋;郭人人;李勇;方兆本.;信用风险模型比较分析[J]
- D1 (7.26), 7:00 Mizoguchi sit on the car then ditch, 7:30 into the sea-view mirror calm sea. 00沟口坐到日则沟的车,7:30到镜海,观赏平静的镜海。
- Amakusa Shiro (Kenji Sawada), who was killed in the Shimabara War, mysteriously appears in the peaceful time of Edo. 在岛原之乱念冤带恨而死的天草四郎(泽田研二饰),临死时抉心舍弃神,坠入魔界。
- The next day morning daily by 7:00 Mizoguchi Luding County to the west of grinding buses, the fare 15 yuan / person. 次日晨乘每日7时泸定县至沟口磨西的公共汽车,票价15元/人。
- Hirawa Kenji ignored her remarks and made as if he were ready to start swinging. 平和谦二置若罔闻,作势就要向前冲去。
- Teen prodigy Kenji unwittingly throws humanity into peril when he cracks a math code from a mysterious sender. 内向的天才数学少年健二受到仰慕的学组夏希拜讬,与她一起回去长野老家。
- And there is Donald Kirihara's superb "Patterns of Time" (1992), but this work treats only the Mizoguchi films of the 1930s. 倔强的清太带着妹妹离开婶婶住进山洞,直至兄妹双亡。
- Introduction: One is that works in English on Mizoguchi (1898-1956) are less available than, say, similar volumes on Akira Kurosawa or Yasujiro Ozu. 简单的说,这部电影深刻而写实,值得一看。
- Summary: Amakusa Shiro (Kenji Sawada), who was killed in the Shimabara War, mysteriously appears in the peaceful time of Edo. 在岛原之乱念冤带恨而死的天草四郎(泽田研二饰),临死时抉心舍弃神,坠入魔界。
- One is that works in English on Mizoguchi (1898-1956) are less available than, say, similar volumes on Akira Kurosawa or Yasujiro Ozu. 影片讲述的是日本战败之年,民众的凄惨生活场景。