- 1940年代the 1940's
- 1940年代末1940s
- 博希,卡尔1874-1940德国化学家,因发展了化学高压处理方法而获1931年诺贝尔奖Dutch painter whose largely religious works are characterized by grotesque, fantastic creatures mingling with human figures.
- 但是现在是1944年。与纳粹1940、41年连连取胜时大不相同。But this is the year 1944,much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940,41.
- 三国同盟(1940)Tripartite Pact(1940)
- 乐甫,A.E.H.(1863-1940)Augustus Edward Hough Love (1863~1940)
- 法兰西第三共和国(1870-1940)The T-Republic
- 1940年代鄂东寺庙财产权初探A study on the Temples'Property in the East Area of Hubei Province in the 1940s
- 1940二战历史频道不列颠战役History Channel Battle of Britain: WWII 1940
- 本论文论述了罗斯福到艾森豪威尔政府时期美国的越南政策(1940-1954年)。This Dissertation deals with US Vietnam policy from Roosevelt administration to Eisenhower administration(1940-1954).
- 哈登,阿瑟1865-1940英国生物化学家,因在糖发酵上的研究而获1929年的诺贝尔奖British biochemist. He shared a1929 Nobel Prize for research on the fermentation of sugars.
- 在20世纪40年代(略 1940's 或 1940s)in the nineteen forties
- 补偿是只提供给那些冒险石棉自1940。The compensation is available only for those employees who run the risk of asbestos exposure since the 1940s.
- "定子应该通过压配合与轴结合在一起,旋转总装动态平衡应该符合ISO 1940, G.6.3标准。""The rotor shall have an interference fit to the shaft and the rotating assembly shall be dynamically balanced to ISO 1940, G.6.3."
- 1940年代后期常熟农家收入水平及其相关因素Standards of Household Incomes and Its Factors in Changshu in the Second Half Part of 1940s
- 本文将由鲁迅而至1940年代崭露头角的作家汪曾祺、穆旦等人,统称为“五四知识分子”。In this thesis, the authors from Lu Xun to Wang Zeng-qi and Mu Dan who came to be known in 1940s are generalized as the "May 4th intellectuals".
- 克莱斯勒,沃尔特·珀西1875-1940美国汽车制造商,建立了克莱斯勒公司(1925年)American automobile manufacturer who founded the Chrysler Corporation(1925).
- 中国1940年代两个科学院发展原子能科学的失败尝试Aborted Attempts on Development of Atomic Energy Science in Two Academes of China in 1940s
- "所有叶轮静态和动态平衡符合iso 1940, G.6.3标准。""all impellers shall be statically and dynamically balanced to ISO 1940, G.6.3."
- 论1940年代中国文坛的"纪德热"与知识分子的精神境遇On "Gide Fad" in Chinese Literary Word and the Chinese Intellectual's Spiritual Situation in the 1940's