- Mitered conure 主教冠样鹦哥
- The limit of the thickness of the join on a mitered corner. 斜接角上联接宽度的限制。
- To bevel the edges of for joining with a miter joint. 将端边切成斜角拼接
- To make(two pieces or surfaces) join with a miter joint. 使斜接使两块或两个表面以45度角拼接
- How to model the closely spaced miter and widely spaced miter bend. 如何模拟窄间距及宽间距虾米腰?
- Sets the limit for the length of miter joins for the device context. 设备用于设备上下文的连接长度限制。
- The miter length can be large when the angle between two lines is small. 当两条直线之间的角度很小时,斜接长度可能很大。
- The miter limit is the maximum allowed ratio of miter length to stroke width. 斜接限制是指斜接长度与笔划宽度之间的所允许的最大比值。
- Pipe ends must be cut square, using a wheel-type cutter or saw &miter box. 管道端口必须顺直角垂直切割,可采用轮式切割机或锯子与轴锯箱。
- They cluster together when they are hungry. This boy looked upset at first to have a Sun Conure land suddenly, but soon he played with the conure with much fun. 肚子饿的时候,它们会这样一下飞过来并坐在肩上、胳膊上。刚开始这个小男孩还被这些突然飞过来的鹦鹉吓了一跳,但是过了一会儿他就开始开心地和这些太阳锥尾们玩了起来。
- A breeder related to us a story in which a sun conure baby they sold to a family was fed guacamole even though the new owners were warned about avocado. 巧克力;咖啡;可可亚含有咖啡碱/咖啡碱;是对鸟儿有害的毒素.;千万不要喂食鸟儿这类的食物;或是放置在鸟儿可以取得的地方
- The edge of a piece of material that has been beveled preparatory to making a miter joint. 斜接面准备做斜面接合的已被斜切的一块用材料的边儿
- This produces a sharp corner or a beveled corner, depending on whether the length of the miter exceeds the miter limit. 这将产生一个锐角或斜角,具体取决于斜联接的长度是否超过斜联接限制。
- This produces a sharp corner or a clipped corner, depending on whether the length of the miter exceeds the miter limit. 这将产生一个锐角或切除角,具体取决于斜联接的长度是否超过斜联接限制。
- The LineJoin property lets you specify whether connected lines are mitered (joined with sharp corners), beveled, rounded, or clipped. LineJoin属性用于指定连接的线相互间是斜接的(联接时形成锐角)、斜切的、圆形的还是截断的。
- A usually miter - shaped chess piece that can move diagonally across any number of unoccupied spaces. 象一主教冠形状的棋子,可以在棋盘上没子的地方对角移动任意距离
- He made his rounds in full red-and-white bishop's robes, complete with twin peaked miter and crooked crozier. 与此同时,其子雷神着红衣以闪电为武器与冰雪诸神昏天黑地恶战一场,最终战胜寒冷。
- He takes his pope’s miter off and puts it on the plank where the two cherubs are resting on their arms. 他以他的教宗的字起飞和把它放在木板那里的两个小天使,是上休息,他们的武器。
- FEM computing technique for hydraulic hoist cylinder of lock miter gate is introduced. 摘要介绍船闸人字门液压启闭机油缸的一种有限元计算方法。
- A fracture dynamics analysis is given to an accident on a gudgeon link of the miter gate of a dam. 摘要对某水坝船闸人字门拉杆断裂事故进行断裂动力学的定性与定量分析。