- Mitarai Takeshi 御手洗毅(1901-),日本人,实业家。
- Mr Mitarai is no armchair theorist. 御手洗先生不是脱离实际的理论家。
- Armstrong was born in New Orleans on Aug. 4, 1901. 阿姆斯特朗1901年8月4日出生于新奥尔良。
- Queen Victoria reigned from 1837 to 1901. 维多利亚女王自1837年至1901年在位。
- Walt Disney was born in Chicago in 1901. 沃尔特迪斯尼出生在1901年。
- The United States elected Teddy Roosevelt in 1901. 1901年美国选举罗斯福当总统。
- Walt Disney was born in Chicago, in 1901. 迪斯尼于1901年出生在芝加哥。
- Armstrong was born in New Orleans on Aug. 4, 1901. 阿姆斯特朗1901年8月4日出生于新奥尔良。
- This tradition dates back to 1901. 这项传统要追溯到1901年。
- English: The photo of Sun Yat Sen in Japan, 1901. 中文:这是孙中山先生在1901年于日本所拍的照片。
- Mr Mitarai has come up with a different management model. 御手洗先生想出了一个不同的管理模式。
- Mckinley and Roosevelt were inaugurated on March 4,1901. 麦金莱和罗斯福于1901年3月4日宣誓就职。
- Japanese favourites such as sushi appear on the palace menu, said Takeshi. 据Takeshi所说,很多日本人喜爱的食品例如寿司已经出现在丹麦的宫廷菜单上。
- When, in 1901, Gauss adopted ??for xx, the former became standard. 当gauss在1901年采用?即?替xx后,前者就变成了标准写法。
- Mckinley and Roosevelt were inaugurated on March 4, 1901. 麦金莱和罗斯福于1901年3月4日宣誓就职。
- In 1901, Nightingale lost her sight because of overwork. 1901年,南丁格尔因操劳过度,双目失明。
- Many of Takeshi's fans like to copy his haircut, clothes and even his smile. 金城武的追星族们争相模仿他的发型、服装甚至于他的笑容。
- On October 24th 1901,Eastman Kodak was established in New Jersey. 1901年10月24日伊士漫?柯达公司在新泽西成立。
- Journalist 4: Takeshi Kaneshiro , are you happy to be together again? 4记者:金城武先生,你们今天几兄弟又聚在一起,会不会觉得很兴奋?
- Takeshi Kitano, a famous Japanese film director, actor, TV presenter. 北野武,日本著名电影导演、演员、电视节目主持人。