- Love is sometimes put in range with a career. 人们往往认为爱情和事业是并驾齐驱的。
- Application of Decision Support System in Test And Appraisal for Naval Tactical Missile in Range 决策支持系统技术在海军战术导弹靶场试验鉴定中的应用
- Rebel base will be in range in seven minutes. 叛军基地在 7 分钟内进入射程
- He photographed the plan of the new missile in secret. 他秘密地给新导弹计划拍照。
- If the enemy is in range then so are you. 如敌人在射程内,你也是。
- He photographed the plan of the new missile in secret . 他秘密地给新导弹计划拍照。
- If the enemy is in range, SO ARE YOU! 如果敌人在你的射程里了,你也在敌人的射程了!
- Pictures of insurgents firing an anti-aircraft missile in Iraq. 有关伊拉克叛乱分子发射防空导弹的录像。
- The fluctuation in range is called straggling. 粒子射程的涨落称为歧离。
- Their arms factory lies in range of high mountains. 他们的武器工厂坐落在群山峻岭之中。
- VTW: Wait! I will be in range soon! 等一下,我马上就到达指定位置!
- It's foolish of you to put Susan's picture in range with Leo's. 你把苏珊和利欧的照片并排在一起是很愚蠢的。
- You can browse a shared folder on a Bluetooth device in range of your computer. 您可以浏览电脑范围内的Bluetooth设备上的共享文件夹。
- The moon with the Rebel base will be in range in thirty minutes. 叛军基地所在的卫星,将在30分钟内进入射程
- US to deploy Patriot missiles in Poland. 美国将在波兰部署爱国者导弹。
- Could not obtain the list of wireless devices in range. 无法获得范围内无线设备的列表。
- Click Search to search for devices that are in range. 点按“搜索”,以查找范围内的设备。
- But can laser beams be developed in such a way to destroy attacking missiles in space? 但是能否以这样的方法把激光发展到可以在空,风摧毁进攻的导弹呢?
- If the target of the LONG-RANGE FIRE is not in range, the missile launcher will advance towards it. 如果目标物在长程射击射程之外,火箭弹发射车将会靠近目标物。
- It has its own cooldown, missile, damage and damage over time and is automatically cast on every enemy in range. 它有自己的冷却时间,自己的箭矢图像,伤害及持续伤害,并且它是自动对范围内的每一个敌人施放的。