- Missile Safety Set 导弹安全装置
- One person through one Dong house, suddenly the window fly down a safety set for once using from the second floor, just right fall his head. 一人经过一栋房子时,突然从二楼窗户飞下来一只用过的安全套,刚好落到他的头上。
- China does not approve of food safety problems, regardless of truth in the hype and blindly blame, food safety set against through trade barriers, even the food safety problems politicalized. 中国不赞成对食品安全问题进行不顾事实,以偏盖面的炒作和一味的指责,反对通过食品安全来设置贸易壁垒,甚至把食品安全问题政治化。
- Director of Missile Safety Research 导弹安全研究处处长
- An Effective Method to Autotest Missile Safety Ignition Mechanism 自动检测导弹安全点火装置的有效方法
- If you exclusively use SQL Server Management Studio to configure database mirroring, transaction safety settings are configured automatically when you select the operation mode. 如果专门使用SQL Server Management Studio来配置数据库镜像,则在您选择运行模式时,将自动配置事务安全设置。
- The huge ship was sunk by a homing missile. 这只巨大的军舰被一枚自动寻的导弹击中。
- Their missile silos are below ground. 他们的导弹发射井在地下。
- The missile had blown the battleship asunder. 炮弹把战舰炸碎了。
- The missile deflected from its trajectory. 导弹已偏离轨道。
- It seemed an eternity before news of his safety reached her. 他平安的消息到达她那里之前,那段时间似乎是无限漫长的。
- A missile was projected into space. 导弹被发射升空。
- Thanks to I had tied then the safety belt. 幸亏我当时系上了安全带。
- The missile is delivered from underground. 这种导弹由地下发射。
- The ship came about and headed back for safety. 这只船掉过头往回开到安全地带去。
- A hand grenade is a missile weapon. 手榴弹是一种投掷武器。
- The missile is guided by remote control. 这导弹是遥控的。
- The missile was launched from the aircraft carrier. 导弹是从航空母舰上发射的。
- I don't wonder you were anxious about their safety. 你为他们的安全着急,我是不奇怪的。
- The missile landed ten miles short (of its target). 那枚导弹落在离目标十英里的地方。