- Shin-Sanbetsu (日本)新产别
- 1907至1914之间,他们掠走了34箱绢轴国画和其他艺术品。Between 1907 and 1914 they carried away 34 cases of silk scroll paintings and other works of art.
- 这些定理分别从几方面改进和推广了Bae Kim Tan和Shin Tan等人的结果These theorems improve and generalize the corresponding recent results of Bae Kim Tan and Shin Tan.
- 我们的统计应该是:迁到美国的斯拉夫移民总数,从1881到1914大约为六百万人。We must reckon the total Slavic immigration to the United States from 1881 to 1914 at about 6, 000, 000.
- GB/T2524-1981海绵钛Sponge titanium
- 我们的统计应该是:迁到美国的斯拉夫移民总数,从1881到1914大约为六百万人。We must reckon the total Slavic immigration to the United States from 1881 to 1914 at about 6, 000, 000
- 奥金莱克,C.J.E.(1884-1981)Claude John Eyre Auchinleck (1884~1981)
- 北京市蓝鹏律师事务所主任张起淮顺利完成在宾夕法尼亚大学举行的世界第14届犯罪学大会演讲后前往韩国,考察了著名的KIM,SHIN &YU律师事务所。Mr.Zhang Qihuai, the chief lawyer of Beijing Lanpeng Law Firm went to South Korea after complete the lecture of the 14th world criminology which hold in the Pennsylvania university, he inspected the famous KIM,SHIN &YU Law Firm in the South Korea.
- 魏斯曼,奥古斯特·弗雷德里希·利奥波德1834-1914德国生物学家。他认为遗传特征是由胚层原生质传递的German biologist who asserted that hereditary characteristics are transmitted by a germinal plasm.
- GB/T2563-1981褐煤蜡灰分测定方法Lignite wax--Determination of ash content
- 第一次世界大战(1914)过程中的战斗,激烈但是非决定性的协约国和德国人都努力冲破其他的防线。Battle in World War I (1914),heavy but indecisive fighting as the Allies and the Germans both tried to break through the lines of the others.
- GB/T2559-1981褐煤蜡熔点测定方法Lignite wax--Determination of melting point
- GB/T205-1981高铝水泥化学分析方法Test method for analysis of high alumina cement
- Urdu作家象Rajender Singh Bedi和Krishn Chander 1914-1977显示了承诺对马克思主义的哲学在他们的文字。Urdu writers like Rajender Singh Bedi and Krishn Chander 1914-1977 CE showed commitment to the Marxist philosophy in their writings.
- GB/T2562-1981褐煤蜡中苯不溶物测定方法Lignite wax--Determination of benzene insoluble substance
- GB/T2583-1981陶瓷地砖抗压强度试验方法Test method for compressive strength of ceramic floor tiles
- 皮尔斯,查尔斯·桑德斯1839-1914美国哲学家、数学家和科学家,是创建实用主义的科学家之一且对逻辑学的发展作出了很多贡献。American mathematician and astronomer known for his studies of Uranus,Neptune,and Saturn's rings.
- GB/T2584-1981陶瓷地砖冲击韧性试验方法Test method for impact toughness of ceramic floor tiles
- GB/T2564-1981褐煤蜡酸值和皂化值测定方法Lignite wax--Determination of acid value and saponification value
- 中译本,声成象,北京:国防工业出版社,1981.Harmuth Henning F. Acoustic imaging with electronic circuits [ M ]. Academic Press 1979.