- Mise en place basic preparation. 基本的准备工作。
- Clever people often mise their mark. 聪明常被聪明误。
- Mises's career was interrupted for four years by World War I. 米塞斯的学术生涯因为第一次世界大战中断了几年。
- J’aimerais avoir le shampooing et une mise en plis. 我想洗头和剪发。
- Why must he hide in a mise of rague promises and unseen miracles? 为什么他总是藏在半真半假的承诺和从来未实现的过的奇迹背后呢?
- I believe I have gained what I should learn in MISE Program. 我相信我已经获得了从MISE培训计划中应该学到的。
- Mises's New York seminar continued until two years before his death in 1973. 米塞斯1973年逝世,他在纽约的私人讨论会直到此前两年才停止。
- It is economics in Ludwig von Mises's formulation of a “logic of choice”. 书的护封上许诺了关于爱情、工作和看牙医的小贴士,这还只是开始。
- The scientist tested oxydiazols oxadiazoles on laboratory mise mice. 科学家在实验鼠上测试了萘磺酸水合物。
- MISO option uses the von Mises yield criteria coupled with an isotropic work hardening assumption. 帮助中的小应变分析和大应变分析具体是指什么情况?
- Rothbard called it "Mises's greatest achievement and one of the finest products of the human mind in our century. 他的学生罗斯巴德称这本书是“米塞斯最伟大的成就,本世纪人类思想最杰出的作品,经济学因此融为一个整体”。
- Socialism, Mises predicted, would result in utter chaos and the end of civilization. 米塞斯预测说,社会主义将会走向极度的混乱和文明的终结。
- Boehm-Bawerk also conducted a seminar that would later become the model for Mises's own Vienna seminar. 庞巴维克还组织了私人讨论会,这也是此后米塞斯在维也纳的私人讨论会的先例。
- As Mises rightly wrote, "There are no such things as 'economics of labor' or 'economics of agriculture. 正如米塞斯正 确地写道:“世上没有所谓的'劳动经济学'或者'农业经济学‘。
- Gene Callahan economist, writer, and adjunct scholar with the Ludwig von Mises Institute. 基因卡亚汉,经济学家,作家,路德威格研究会的助理学者。
- No socialist has ever been able to provide an answer to Mises's devastating point. 没有哪一个社会主义者能够回应米塞斯的致命一击。
- Lew Rockwell past-president and founder of the Ludwig von Mises Institute and lewrockwell.com. 刘罗克威尔,路德威格研究会和刘罗克威尔网站的创建人及前会长。
- Doug French president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, author, frequent writer for Mises.org and LewRockwell.com. 汤玛斯迪洛伦宙,作者,历史学家,马里兰洛优拉大学经济学教授及路德威格研究会高级教员。
- NARRATOR: In Soviet Russia, it seemed as if von Mises's predictions were coming true. 旁白:在苏联,VonMises的预言看起来好像应验了。
- Then, in 1992, Austrian archivists discovered Mises's stolen Vienna papers in a reopened archive in Moscow. 1992年,奥地利档案保管人员在莫斯科公开的档案里发现了米塞斯在维也纳被盗的论文。