- Study on Environmental Worthiness of Packaging of New Type Minor Caliber Rifle 新型小口径步枪封存包装环境适应性试验研究
- The Research of Using Centroid- variable Slider to Realize Small Caliber Fuze Delay Arming 用变质心滑块实现引信延期解除保险功能的研究
- Study on Mildew Resistance of Packaging of New Type Minor Caliber Rifle in Long Term Storage 新型小口径步枪封存包装长贮防霉性能研究
- A minor road connects the highways. 一条小路同几条公路相连。
- I don't want to go into the minor details now. 我现在不想涉及枝节问题。
- We can afford to overlook minor offences. 我们可以不计较小过。
- I made minor alterations to the article. 我对这篇文章作了小规模的修改。
- I major in French and minor in English. 我学习的主科是法语,副科是英语。
- He was admitted to hospital with minor burns. 他因轻度烧伤而入院。
- He is going in for a minor operation. 他要接受一个小手术。
- She played a minor role in the opera. 她在那出歌剧里扮演了一个小角色。
- The mechanic made a few minor readjustments. 机械师作了几处小的调整。
- He is a statesman of the highest caliber. 他是一位才能卓越的政治家。
- English is his major and history is his minor. 他主修英文,副修历史。
- She acted as a minor role in the play. 她在剧中扮演了一个次要的角色。
- The feasibility of its application in small caliber archibald fuze was analyzed. 该文还对该电源在小口径高炮引信中的应用进行了可行性分析 .
- A minor key, scale, or interval. 小调音、短音阶或短音程
- A school of high caliber; an executive of low caliber. 高质量的学校; 能力较低的行政官
- Bursts on impact, or in the air (with fuze time). 在弹着点或空中爆炸(利用引信)。
- It is surprised that he should swing for such a minor mistake. 他为这么点小错受罚太让人奇怪了。