- Chapter One: The characteristics of aerospace industry. 第一章,航天产业的特性。
- PTFE production of aerospace products has received the Ministry of Industry Award, the scientific and technological progress third place in Shanghai and Jiangsu Province light gold. 生产的聚四氟乙烯产品曾荣获航空航天工业部奖、上海市科技进步三等奖和江苏省轻工金奖。
- Yaxin has a group of excellent person who devote themselves to spaceflight course.They are from initial Industrial Ministry of Aerospace,bureau of administration of Hunan. 亚欣电器拥有一批来自于原"航空航天工业部湖南管理局"有志于创业的优秀航天人才。
- The rapid and healthy development of aerospace industry has been influenced seriously by the difficult situation, less economic benefit, low whole economic strength and weak market competitiveness. 航天工业企业经营困难和经济效益差的艰难境地,整体经济实力低和市场竞争能力弱的现状,已影响到航天事业的快速、健康发展。
- The development of aerospace depends chiefly on advanced material and technology. The appearance of new composite material is the fundamental assurance of high performance,high reliability and low cost for aerospace industry. 发展航空航天技术主要依靠先进的材料和技术,新型复合材料的出现是航空航天工业实现高性能、高可靠性、低成本的基础保证。
- In order to improve informatization of aerospace industry of China and gain the international competition,we must introduce a kind of philosophic theory called concurrent engineering. 为了加快我国航天工业的信息化,在日益激烈的国际竞争中赢得先机,必须采用并行工程这种哲理。
- He was a pioneer of china's aerospace industry. 他是中国航天工业的拓荒者。
- She's on attachment to the Ministry of Defense. 她现在隶属于国防部。
- He was a pioneer of china rs aerospace industry. 他是中国航天工业的拓荒者。
- After the war he was translated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 战后,他被调到外交部工作。
- General Manger of China Natonal Aerospace Industry Corp. 中国航天科技集团公司总经理。
- The aerospace industry in our country has developed greatly after liberation. 解放后,我国的宇航事业取得了巨大的发展。
- The ministry of books is manifold. 书的用处很多。
- Air Force Office of Aerospace Industry Modernization 空军航空工业现代化办公室
- She's on attachment to (ie temporarily working in) the Ministry of Defence. 她暂时隶属於国防部。
- Investment Centre: Ministry of Trade and Industry, Windhoek; tel. 投资中心:工业和贸易部,温得和克。
- The quaestor served in the ministry of finance. 财务官从事财政部门的服务。
- You must write to the Ministry of Health. 你必须给卫生部写信。
- He was a pioneerof china's aerospace industry. 他是中国航天工业的拓荒者。
- He works in the aerospace industry. 他在航天工业部门工作。