- Curried minced pork with green peas 绿豌豆咖喱肉末
- Fried shredded pork with green bean sprouts 绿豆芽炒肉丝
- Can I get you another spoonful of fried shrimps with green beans? 我再给你一调羹青豆虾仁好吗?
- Marinate the minced pork with all the seasonings, then stir the mixture clockwise until gluey. 用腌料腌泡猪绞肉,然后顺时钟方向搅拌至有点黏性。
- Can e get you another spoonful of fried shrimp with green bean? 我再给你一调羹青豆虾仁好吗?
- Can I get you another spoonful of fried shrimp with green bean ? 我再给你一调羹青豆虾仁好吗?
- Stir fry minced pork with pickle bean 酸豆角炒肉碎
- Heat 2 tbsps oil in wok, saut? the minced pork with minced garlic and ginger until done. Pour in the sauce and bring to the boil. 镬内烧2汤匙油,加入免治猪肉、蒜茸及姜茸;炒透后注入芡汁,烧滚。
- Marinate minced pork with pinch of pepper and rice wine. Heat a pan with dash of oil, stir fry minced pork until half done. 猪肉加入少许胡椒粉及米酒拌匀。烧热平底镬,加入适量油,将猪肉炒至半熟,待凉。
- Heat 2 tbsps oil in wok, saute the minced pork with minced garlic and ginger until done. Pour in the sauce and bring to the boil. 镬内烧2汤匙油,加入免治猪肉、蒜茸及姜茸,炒透后注入芡汁,烧滚。
- Marinate minced pork with sesame oil, light soy sauce, pepper, Chinese cooking wine & cornstarch. Roll into balls and coat with tapioca flour, set aside. 绞肉用麻油、酱青、胡椒粉、花雕酒和粟粉腌。捏成球形,沾上茨粉,待用。
- Season the minced pork with all the ingredients listed above under the fillings. Stir the pork in one direction until it is sticky then add sesame oil. Set aside. 肉酱加入盐糖胡椒粉黄酒老抽葱姜等调味料拌匀,按顺时针方向将肉搅至粘稠状,加入麻油调匀即可。
- Finely chop the mushroom. Stir fry the minced pork with black mushroom. Season with dark soy sauce and sugar, then mix with cooked sticky rice. Mix well and set aside. 香菇切成小粒。肉酱香菇入油锅煸炒,放入老抽,糖烧沸,加入熟糯米拌匀即可。
- The Gherkin, found in the Square mile, is cunningly crafted out of two types of melon and embedded with green beans to highlight its renowned spiralling glass frames. 位于伦敦金融城的“炮弹大厦”由两种瓜类巧妙建成,并饰以青豆,以突出这座玻璃建筑的著名螺旋式结构特点。
- Sautéed Minced Pork with Bean Sprouts in Curry Sauce 咖喱肉松煸大豆芽
- Based on the results with green beans, black beans and black seeds growth cycles it is reasonable to conclude that mret installation on the source of electromagnetic radiation can protect living organisms against harmful,suppression effects of EMR. 依据绿豆、黑豆及芝麻的生长状态记录,能判定安辐龙能保护有机活体对抗或减低电磁辐射(EMR)的伤害及影响。
- You can also get a good taste with Chinese dish such as: Beef Tenderloin with Green Peppercorn Sauce, Pork with Garlic Sauce, Dongpo Pork, Beijing Roast Duck. 佐以中餐同样有非常好的效果,如:青椒牛柳、蒜泥白肉、东坡肉、北京烤鸭等。
- Mapo stewed Bean curd with minced pork in pepper sauce is characterized By traditional Sichuan flavour. 麻婆豆腐,具有四川传统风味特色。
- Saute minced pork with sesame cakes 炒肉末烧饼
- Serve the lamb with new potatoes and green beans. 羊肉要配新鲜土豆和青刀豆一起上。