- Millikan raies 宇宙线
- Millikan used a value about 1% too low. 密立根所用的值大约偏低1%25。
- Her wishful face haunt my dream like the rai at ight. 她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。
- Raghu Rai I like photographers - you don't ask questions. 我喜欢摄影师,你们不提问。
- But if it rai tomorrow, you could go to the museum i tead. 如果明天下雨的话,你就去博物馆。
- There's a lot of rain in summer, but it seldom rai in Autumn. 这儿夏天雨水很多。可是秋天很少下雨。
- If it rai tomorrow, you could go to the museum i tead. 如果下雨的话,北海公园将是一个好去处。
- You should be OK. Take an umbrella just in case it rai . 你应该可以去。带把雨伞以防下雨。
- Among its members was the revolutionary Lala Lajpat Rai. 它的成员里面有革命家拉拉拉帕特奈。
- Continue by minibus to Chiang Rai handicraft center. 坐汽车就可以到达清莱的手工艺品中心。
- Rai: Is this an image I'm working hard to live up to? 这是不是我努力工作的目标呢?
- The O ervatory i ued only an amber rai torm signal and a thunderstorm warning. 天文台只是发出黄色暴雨警告及雷暴警告。
- Field test and analysis of piston action ventilationin beijing underground rai. 北京地铁列车活塞风的实则与分析。
- The study of characteristics of electric charge for charged dust particles by the Millikan testing method is introduced. 使用密立根方法,对尘土颗粒的带电特性进行了研究。
- Musharaf, Manmohan, Aishwarya rai and Sonia are travelling in a train. 满老的笑话,以前看的是德国人坐火车什么的。
- Similar centres could follow later in Chiang Rai, Kanchanaburi and Ranong. 继美索镇的中心完成后,将在清莱府、北碧府和拉廊府也设立类似功能的劳工中心。
- To the historian, the volume in which Millikan's paper appeared shows that physics in America was still a mixed bag. 但是对于科学史学者来说,包含了密立根文章的这卷刊物仍然表明当时美国的物理研究是个大杂烩。
- Millikan's success was above all attributable to an ingenious device he termed "a machine shop in vacuo. 通过测量控制电场的电压来得到光电子的能量,在这里,他用到了自己在1913年通过油滴实验测得的电子电荷。
- Raghu Rai / Magnum Photos INDIA.Bhopal.Rubeda Banu with her three sons. 摄影师:Raghu Rai 拍摄地点:印度,博帕尔 Rubeda Banu和她的三个儿子。
- So Millikan's paper is not at all, as we would now expect, an experimental proof of the quantum theory of light. 所以,密立根的文章根本不像我们现在认为的那样,是对光的量子理论的实验验证。