- Mill Scheduling System 轧制计划排程
- Help to establish scheduling system and SAP system in PCR area. 参加在轿车胎厂建立计划系统和运行SAP。
- He does not have enough evidence to decide whether to adopt this scheduling system. 他还没有充分证据来判定是否采用这个排列系统。
- The final step is to customize the RSL XML file that MMJFS uses to submit a job to the scheduling system. 最后一步是定制RSL XML文件,MMJFS将用该文件向调度系统提交作业。
- And to the scheduling system to assess the impact of procurement delays on overall project status. 还可以计划制度系统连接,来评估采购的延误将会对整个工种的进展产生什么影响。
- The campus computing grid adaptive scheduling system is presented to balance the load and manage resources uniformly. 针对校园高性能计算资源负载不均衡、管理模式不统一的问题,提出了校园计算网格自适应调度系统的解决方案。
- The hidden two-shift scheduling system is modeled as an integer goal programming (IGP) problem. 对于一个具有14名护士的病房,隐藏式的二班制排班法平均可以在十分钟内解决排班问题;
- A vehicle routing and scheduling system is finally design and implemented to show the ap... 本文主要研究越库配送模式下的车辆调度和路径选择问题。
- Petersen E. R. and Taylor A. J. , 1988 , “An optimal scheduling system for the Welland Canal” , Transportation Science , vol. 22, pp.173-185 . 傅玉璠,2005,“油库配料司机多目标排班之研究”,私立华梵大学,硕士论文。
- They also introduced an advanced planning and scheduling system (APS), which enables them to plan production more accurately and reduce production delays. 该企业还引入了一套先进计划与排程系统(APS),使得他们能够实现更精确的排产,并减少生产延迟。
- The architecture of AS/RS intelligence scheduling system software has been designed with Unified Modeling Language (UML) modeling technique and Rational Rose. 应用统一建模语言(UML)技术和Rational Rose建模工具对自动化立体仓库智能调度系统进行了UML建模,从而形成了自动化立体仓库智能调度软件的软件体系结构模型;
- The production scheduling system aimed at steel enterprise is an important part of CIMS of steel enterprise, which is a bridge between upper management and lower production. 本文所研究开发的钢铁企业生产调度系统,是企业建设实施的企业计算机集成制造系统的重要组成部分,是企业上层管理与下层生产过程的重要桥梁。
- The design and implementation of a generation resource scheduling system with applying B/W/D (Web Browser/Web Server/Database Server) three-tier structure is presented. 介绍了一个采用B/W/D(Web Browser/Web Server/Database Server)三层体系结构的电力资源优化调度系统的设计与实现。
- The VR optimal scheduling system integrated with visual modeling,combinatorial optimization,process simulation and process monitoring features is built. 实现了基于可视化生产系统建模、优化求解、过程模拟、过程监控等为一体的流程工业优化调度。
- According to the analysis of arailway pessenger station scheduling system, this paper draws out a queue model and furthermore propes a discrete system simulation model. 本文根据对铁路客运站调度的分析,抽象出一个排队模型,并在此基础上提出了适合于调度系统工作的离散系统仿真模型。
- Cotton cloth is made in a cotton mill. 棉布是由棉纺厂生产的。
- Here we are in the yard of the steel mill. 这儿就是不锈钢厂的料场。
- The mill where we often labour is a paper mill. 我们经常劳动的工厂是造纸厂。
- We studied a decision system of production and administration for a st eel wire rope production enterprise with the core of DW, on the basis of which w ere scheduling system and optimization model of production and administration. 本文以一个钢丝绳生产企业的生产经营为背景,建立了以生产经营优化模型和调整系统为基础,以数据仓库为核心的生产经营决策支持系统并对其进行了研究。
- My new car was put through the mill. 我的新车经过了检验。