- There may be millions of worlds in the Milky Way Galaxy. 银河系中也许有几百万个世界。
- The Milky Way galaxy is supposed to be like this? 银河系应该也差不多是这样吧。
- Do you believe ET exist in Milky Way galaxy? 你相信银河系有外星人的存在吗?
- Then Galileo looked at the Milky Way Galaxy. 然后,伽利略对银河系进行了观察。
- Andromeda is the nearest major galaxy to our own Milky Way Galaxy. 仙女座是距离我们的银河系最近的一个星系。
- Some astronomers thought nebulae were part of our Milky Way Galaxy. 一些天文学家认为星云是银河系的一部分。
- They showed that the Andromeda nebula lay far outside our Milky Way Galaxy. 测量表明,仙女座星云远在我们的银河系之外。
- The center of our Milky Way Galaxy in the constellation Sagittarius. 我们银河系的中央位于人马座里。
- The Milky Way Galaxy is the inspiration for the symbol of the Ouroboros. 银河系是大毒蛇标记的灵感。
- The Milky Way galaxy keeps a great time cycle that ends in catastrophic change. 银河系保持相当长的一段时间,周期在灾难性的变化中结束。
- They originate from various events (supernovae and so on) within the Milky Way galaxy that is home to the Earth. 它们可以从地球所在的银河系中很多的事件里产生,如超新星事件等。
- This is a very large circular collection of stars and gas that surrounds our Milky Way galaxy. 这是一个围绕银河系的恒星及大气圈群体。
- This is important because the halo is much larger than the Milky Way galaxy itself. 这很重要,因为光晕要比银河系大得多。
- The systematic search consists of scanning those regions of the Milky Way galaxy where it is believed that most novae are likely to be observed. 为了系统地搜索新星,该计划搜索那些被认为是在银河系中出现概率较高的区域。
- East of Antares, dark markings sprawl through crowded star fields toward the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. 心大星东部,深色物质伸向我们银河系的众多恒星。
- Explanation: From our vantage point in the Milky Way Galaxy, we see NGC 6946 face-on. 说明: 因为本银河系的特殊位置,因此我们能够观测到NGC 6946的正面。
- From long standing Milky Way galaxy, to gestate a seven colors bright jewel, it’s earth. 漫长的岁月洪流,地球横眉冷对一次又一次的灾难与浩劫,甚至慧星群的无情洗礼。
- New clews of understanding the history of Milky Way galaxy can be offered by analylizing the data above. 对以上数据的发现和研究将对理解银河系的历史提供新的线索。
- The light was elegant, demure in the company of stars and the faint dusting of the Milky Way galaxy. 那光线在繁星和银河系的淡痕的映衬下显得分外优雅和端庄。
- Explanation: The plane of our Milky Way Galaxy runs through this complex and beautiful skyscape. 说明:我们银河系的银盘穿过复杂美妙的天宇。