- After industry and commerce, quality supervision departments to confirm identification, licensing Sanlu milk powder formula containing melamine. 后经工商、质监等部门鉴定确认,三鹿牌奶粉配方中含有三聚氰胺。
- Used for milk powder, yogurt, beverage, formula food, ect. 用于奶粉、酸奶、饮料、配方食品等生产中。
- Used for milk powder, yogurt, beverage , formula food ,ect. 用于奶粉、酸奶、饮料、配方食品等产品中。
- Milk powder formula 配方奶粉
- The milk powder has lumped because of humidity. 奶粉受潮结块了。
- Use warm water to reconstitute dried milk powder. 用温水冲奶粉。
- He tried to mix water with milk powder. 他试著把奶粉跟水混在一起。
- Milk Powder Dispenser 1 Pc. Convenient, practical. 奶粉携带盒1个方便、实用。
- The application of lactoferrin in infant formula milk powder in foreign countries was also introduced. 介绍了国外有关乳铁蛋白在婴幼儿配方奶粉中的应用情况。
- Sanlu milk powder incident, the original formula has the endorsement stars also pushed to the air waves. 三鹿奶粉事件爆发后,当初曾为奶粉代言的明星们也被推到了风口浪尖。
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said in a U.S. infant formula milk powder samples detected "very low content of the" melamine. 美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)称,在一份美国产婴儿配方奶粉样本中检测出“含量极低的”三聚氰胺。
- "The last time the purchase of Sanlu milk powder has just returned, replaced by Yashi Li Gold baby milk formula, and did not expect a problem. “上次购买的三鹿奶粉刚刚退货,换成雅士利金装婴儿配方奶粉,没想到又出了问题。”
- Being rich in DHA, linoleic acid and sinkaline, Vyou Baby Formula Milk Powder is beneficial to brain development of baby. 唯优婴儿配方奶粉含有丰富的DHA、亚油酸及胆碱,有益于宝宝的大脑发育。
- "The last time the purchase of Sanlu milk powder has just returned, replaced by Yashi Li Gold baby milk formula, and did not expect a problem." Mr. “上次购买的三鹿奶粉刚刚退货,换成雅士利金装婴儿配方奶粉,没想到又出了问题。”
- Domestic consumer brand of infant formula milk powder of consumers, as many township residents and migrant families of infants and young children. 消费国产品牌婴幼儿配方奶粉的消费者,多为乡镇居民和流动人口的婴幼儿家庭。
- Skimmed milk powder is a by-product of butter production. 脱脂奶粉是生产黄油的副产品。
- However, the powdered formula was still the mother's milk best substitute, changes to the rice water or other foods is the danger, will let the baby malnutrition. 不过,配方奶粉仍然是母乳的最佳替代品,改用米汤或其他食品是危险的,会让婴儿营养不良。
- Laura Mercier Mineral Finishing Powder is the final step to setting the flawless face with its superfine and completely sheer powder formula. 超幼滑完美透薄粉末,适合为其他矿物配方和粉底液定妆。
- She asked me to put some milk powder into the coffee. 她叫我往咖啡里放一些奶粉。
- The tainted milk powder has caused many damages to babies. 被污染的奶粉给许多的婴儿造成了伤害.