- This is a very important principle,especially where military products are concerned. 这个问题很重要,特别是军工产品。
- This problem merits special attention,since today military products mean modern weapons. 现在的军工产品是现代化的武器,更要注意这个问题。
- This is a very important principle, especially where military products are concerned. 这个问题很重要,特别是军工产品。
- This problem merits special attention, since today military products mean modern weapons. 现在的军工产品是现代化的武器,更要注意这个问题。
- Our civil and military products have wined credit and support from our domestic customers and cooperative institutions. 所生产的军用及民用产品,在国内赢得了合作单位及广大用户的信任与支持。
- As the administrative arm of the SACMPT,the State Bureau of Military Products Trade is responsible for handling day-to-day affairs. 国家军品贸易局是国家军品贸易管理委员会的办事机构,负责处理日常事务。
- The signed military export contract shall be submitted to the State Bureau of Military Products Trade for review and approval. 军品出口合同签订后,应当向国家军品贸易局申请审查批准;
- As the administrative arm of the SACMPT, the State Bureau of Military Products Trade is responsible for handling day-to-day affairs. 国家军品贸易局是国家军品贸易管理委员会的办事机构,负责处理日常事务。
- For example, DCA's Stanvick noted, that different states have differing opinions on whether bomb detectors are military product. 举例说,DCAStanvick指出,不同的国家就炸弹探测器是否军用产品有不同的意见。
- The ideas of fine design was put forward in the process of military packaging design to coincide with the demands of military product protection. 提出从全面满足产品防护要求出发,将精细化设计理念贯穿到军品包装设计的各个环节之中。
- Between the monopolization and negotiation, the important incentive policy problem of government is how to encourage firm insisting R &D in the military product. 在垄断与谈判权力角力下,如何激励厂商持续从事军事产品研发,是政府重要国防产业政策之一。
- The State Administrative Committee on Military Products Trade (SACMPT),under the leadership of the State Council and the Central Military Commission,is responsible for the centralized control of transfers of military equipment and related technologies. 国家军品贸易管理委员会是在国务院、中央军委领导下,负责武器装备及其技术转让的统管机构。其成员主要包括外交部、总参谋部、国防科学技术工业委员会和对外贸易经济合作部等有关部门的负责人。
- If no correction is made within the prescribed period of time, the State Bureau of Military Products Trade will request the SACMPT to revoke the military export authorizations granted to such military trading companies. 逾期不改正的,由国家军品贸易局报国家军品贸易管理委员会撒销其军品出口经营权。
- Military trading companies shall append with the military export contract approval application the valid certification documents from recipient countries when filing with the State Bureau of Military Products Trade. 军品贸易公司向国家军品贸易局申请批准军品出口合同时,应当附送接受国的有效证明文件。
- The export of goods under export control like nucleus products, nucleus-related civil products, monitored chemical products, military products, etc shall handled according to the provisions of relevant administrative regulations. 第七十三条出口核用品、核两用品、监控化学品、军品等出口管制货物的,依照有关行政法规的规定办理。
- The band played a military march. 乐队吹奏军队进行曲。
- The place is known for its handicraft products. 这地方因出手工艺品而出名。
- You cannot enter a military base without a permit. 无通行证者不得擅入军事基地。
- Argentina is a big exporter of beef products. 阿根廷是牛肉制品的一大出口国。
- The military has tightened its hold on the country. 军方加强了对这个国家的控制。