- Military Purchase System 军事采购系统
- It is necessary to think about the furtherance of government purchase system. 所以有必要对政府采购制度的深化进行思考。
- Military Automatic Purchase System 军事自动采购系统
- After 20 centuries 90's, chinese individual commercial housing become blossom as the housing government allocation system turn to market drive purchase system. 20世纪90年代后,中国逐步由政府分配住房的制度转向市场驱动的购房制度,于是,私人商品房建筑业随之兴旺起来。
- Selling the grain stored in public granaries at fair prices in famine years is a grain purchase system which is good both for the country and its people. 平籴是一种利国利民的粮食收购制度。
- But some Washington insiders are still hesitant, due to the lack of progress with the previously U.S. approved military purchase (ASW plane, AB missiles, SSK) for the past two years. 不过,一名华府官员说的好:三大军购案早已根据美军正式报价完成建案,但过去两年来台湾立院还不是照样拒审预算?
- The Zhichang purchase in the purchase system of the Song government, is the moat conventional and fundamental way of purchase both in law aid practical execution. 摘要宋朝政府购买体系中的置场收购,在法律层面上和实际执行层面上都是最常规最基本的购买办法。
- Recently, the city of Nanning City Housing replacement of a company and the law firm jointly launched the "lawyer full paternity purchase system" attracted many property buyers eyes. 近日,南宁市房屋置换公司与该市一家律师事务所联合推出的这种“律师全程陪购制”吸引了众多购房者的目光。
- On account of being a specialist in packaging material manufacturing and purchasing system service, customers will benefit from our extensive purchase prices. 由于我们公司是专门的包装材料制造和采购服务商,可以使我们的客户享受到规模经营的利益,可以得到较低的价格。
- Burns also indicated movement on reaching an agreement with India required by U.S. law for all foreign military purchases of sensitive American technology. 伯恩斯同时也指出,和印度达成协议的行动,是依照美国法律对所有外国军队购买美国敏感技术的要求。
- Standard Automated Small Purchase System 标准自动化少量采购系统
- the quasi - purchase system of research outcome 拟成果购买制
- In this paper, the purchasing system of unique purchaser and unique suppler was analyzed based on cooperate game. 运用博弈论建立模型,给出了为保障绿色采购活动所需的条件;
- government green purchase System 政府绿色采购制度
- The band played a military march. 乐队吹奏军队进行曲。
- I'd like to purchase what I need for the night. 我想要购买过夜所需的用品。
- You cannot enter a military base without a permit. 无通行证者不得擅入军事基地。
- Establish, check or approve related documention of Logistics'system, such as purchasing system, warehouse management system, planning system and customs declaration. 制定、审核、批准物料采购、仓储管理、发运、进出口报关、生产计划系统的相关制度或文件,监控各体系日常运行。
- The military has tightened its hold on the country. 军方加强了对这个国家的控制。
- We fear the military might of the enemy. 我们惧怕敌人强大的军事力量。