- Air Force Military Personnel Center 空军军事人事中心
- Commander Military Personnel Center 军事人员中心主任
- Personnel, especially enlisted military personnel. 军队士兵人员,尤指参加军事部队的成员
- A supply center for a large force of military personnel. 基地大量军事人员武装部队的供应中心
- Military Personnel Center 军事人员中心
- USAF Military Personnel Center 美国空军人事中心
- The town is off limits to military personnel. 军事人员禁止进入这个城镇。
- Such information is restricted within military personnel. 这类情报资料仅限于在军事人员内部参阅。
- A jail for the detention of military personnel guilty of minor offenses or awaiting court-martial. 军人禁闭室军队中拘禁犯有轻微过失的军人或等候军事宣判的军人的监牢
- Airlines ferry high-ranking military personnel between countries. 航空公司用飞机运送高级军事人员来往于各国之间。
- Clothing worn by military personnel for labor or for field duty. 工作服士兵服杂役时穿着的衣服
- A building or group of buildings used to house military personnel. 军营用于驻扎军人的一个或一组建筑
- Reducing military personnel by compressing the scale of the armed forces. 压缩规模,完成裁减军队员额任务。
- Former Commander of USAF Manpower and Personnel Center: The General is a highly experienced tactical combat aviator, having flown extensively in both the Korean and Vietnam Wars. 前美国空军人事人力中心指挥官:斯文森将军是一位有着丰富的战斗战术经验的飞行员,参加过朝鲜战争和越南战争。
- In May,1985,China decided to reduce its military personnel by one million. 1985年5月,中国决定裁减军队员100万。
- It was planed by our military personnel and executated by Colombians. “这次行动100%25是哥伦比亚靠自己实现的。
- RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Air Force Personnel Center officials here recently published a demographics report offering a snapshot of the service's active-duty and civilian force. 2009年1月18日-伦道夫空军基地,得克萨斯州-空军人事中心的官员最近发表了一份人口统计报告提供的快照服务的现役部队和文职人员。
- In September 1997,China announced an additional reduction of 500,000 military personnel over the next three years. 1997年9月,中国宣布在此后三年内再裁减军队员额50万。
- A place of residence,especially the buildings or barracks used to house military personnel or their dependents. 住所,军营居住场所,尤指用来住军人或下属的建筑物或军营
- A supermarket for military personnel and their dependents,usually located on a military installation. 补给库;为军人服务的自动售货店军人及其受赡养者的超级市场,通常位于军事设施。