- Military Engineer Service 军事工程处
- Yantai Shunda Ocean Engineering Service Co., Ltd. 烟台顺达海洋工程服务有限责任公司。
- Lengthens the engine service life. 延长发动机使用寿命。
- Star Piping Engineering Service Customer Trust. 实达管道工程服务用户信赖。
- Third, a military engineer are too many, fights for in the middle place possible insufficient falls because of the technical strength in leeward. 其三,阵中工兵太多,在中场的拼抢中可能因为技术实力不足而落于下风。
- A military engine used during the Middle Ages for hurling stones and other missiles. 军用射石机中世纪时军队用于投掷石头或其它发射物的器具
- What we badly need is know-how,engineering service and technical assistance. 我们急需的是技术诀窍、工程服务和技术援助。
- For additional information, contact the SKF application engineering service. 要想进一步了解情况,请与SKF应用工程服务部联系。
- What we badly need is know-how, engineering service and technical assistance. 我们急需的是技术诀窍、工程服务和技术援助。
- As well as making the explosion more reliable, this allowed military engineers to turn the fougasse into a booby trap. 绊索由合股细线制成,一头系在燧发装置的扳机上。
- This defensive weapon is a landmine constructed by military engineers and fired by the defenders lighting a fuse. 这种防御性武器是一种简易的原始地雷,在战前由工兵埋设并在恰当的时机点燃引信引爆。
- South Korea has so far said it will withdraw its 200 military engineers and medics at the end of this year as planned. 韩国到目前为至已声称将按计划在今年年底撤回200名工程兵和军医。
- The term “civil engineering” originally came into use to distinguish it from military engineering. 使用“土木工程”这个词的目的是要将其与军事工程相区别。
- He is exempt from military service. 他免服兵役。
- We have ready to supply all license,equipment,engineering service and technical assistance. 我们准备提供所有许可证、设备、工程服务和技术援助。
- Family of Military Engineer Construction Equipment 军事工程建筑设备系列
- For additional information about alternative coatings, please consult the SKF application engineering service. 要了解可替代涂层的进一步情况,请向SKF应用工程服务部门咨询。
- For applications exceeding this value, please consult the SKF application engineering service. 如果超过这一数值,请咨询SKF应用公差服务部。
- This defensive weapon is a landmine constructed by military engineers and fired by. the defenders .lighting a fuse.A fougasse. 这种防御性武器是一种简易的原始地雷,在战前由工兵埋设并在恰当的时机点燃引信.;引爆。