- Militarily Significant Fallout 军事严重副作用
- FENG Yu-jun: military significance, not only to determine the location. 冯玉军:军事意义,不仅仅是地理位置来决定的。
- Annexed by the United States for use as a naval base in 1900, the territory no longer has any military significance. 所附由美国作海军基地于1900年,境内不再有任何军事意义。
- Share prices showed significant advances today. 今日股票价格大幅上涨。
- Few people realized the discovery was significant. 很少有人认识到这一发现的重要性。
- Emperor Shun Zhi also saw in this towering structure, which would be the highest in the capital for many years to come, a vantage point with military significance. 顺治皇帝也看到它的结构在未来的几年中都将是首都的最高点,这在军事上是一个有利的条件。
- military significant facilities map 重要军事设施图
- The fallout will probably infect millions. 辐射尘可能对数百万人造成影响。
- A short significant phrase in a composition. 乐旨乐曲中简短而重要的短句
- A significant event, occurrence, or change. 新生事物重大的事件或变化
- We should stop talking about the menace of fallout. 我们不应再谈论关于放射性微尘的危害。
- There was a lot of fallout after the police bribes were made public. 警察受贿案公开之後,引起极大的余波。
- The scores of AIMS were signif... 有效率641%25,显著较对照组的250%25为高。
- Widespread fallout from a nuclear explosion. 核爆炸后散布很广的放射性坠尘
- A significant occurrence or happening. 大事具有重要意义的事件或事变
- Most married people fallout over money. 多数已结婚的人为金钱而闹纠纷。
- They had no protection from the fallout. 他们没有针对辐射微尘的防护措施。
- We may have to intervene militarily in the area. 我们可能只好对这一地区进行军事干涉。
- Turning to home markets is to counter the fallout. 我们要转向国内市场应对不测(副作用)。
- It was by then overshadowed, militarily, by Russia. 军事上,它那时已经处在俄国的下风。