- Middle line region 中线区
- The middle line has seven syllables. 中间的一行有七个音节。
- For now, concentrate on the middle line of code, which tells Excel to arrange its windows by using the cascade style. 现在您只需要注意代码中间的一行,该行告诉Excel使用层叠样式排列窗口。
- Boji: hitting the middle line, mainly hand fighting, leg method and throwing method as minor. “角抵”经历了汉代的盛衰后,进入到隋、唐时期,仍然得到皇帝的喜好而盛行于世。
- When install aileron, please notice the aileron and main wing whether they are in the same middle line. 安装副翼时注意副翼和主机翼要在同一中线上。
- God is sneering at me, who am staggering all the way.I can't keep balance, because there is no middle line on my way. 神在载运的缝隙中冷笑着看着我,看着我忽左忽右歪歪斜斜地走,永远找不到平衡点。
- The influence of middle line of South-to-North project on water quality in Xiangfan section was simulated by using WASP6 water quality model. 采用WASP6水质模型就实施南水北调中线工程对汉江襄樊段水质的影响进行了模拟。
- The nucleus fastigii was situated to the middle line at the anterior end of the superior vermis,and over the roof of the fourth ventricle. 顶核最靠内侧,紧邻第四脑室顶的外侧和上蚓前部的内侧面,在中线两侧对称分布;
- Boji attacking the middle line is a new created empty handed wrestling technique item majored in hand attacking with legs and throwing as minor. 搏技打中线,是一个新创建的以手打为主,以腿法、摔拿为辅的徒手搏斗技项目。
- Conclusions The results showed that in the Nan-shui-b ei-diao middle line areas the water fluoride and other chemical composition have acertain effect on endemic fluorosis. 结论南水北调中线供水区水氟与水质中其它化学成分有关,对地氟病有一定影响。
- Results The middle line through ANS and perpendicular to zygomaticofrontal line has less mean of middle structure index and side middle structure index. 结果以过ANS点垂直于两侧颧额点连线的直线为面中线,其正中结构指数和侧方结构指数均值较小。
- Objective To study the relation between water fluoride and other chemical composition in water of Nan-shui-bei-diao middle line areas in Hebei and the effect to the endemic fluorosis. 目的探讨河北省南水北调中线供水区饮水氟含量与水质其它化学成分的关系及对地氟病的影响。
- Medium grip can make you see your two finger arthrosis, then your hands from V, which is just opposite the middle line between your jaw and right shoulder, then can help the clubface towards target when you stroke the ball. 不强不弱的中性握杆能看左手的两个指关节,双手的V字形都正对着下巴和右肩膀之间中线,帮助你在触球时让杆面正对目标。
- The production practice has shown that the application of the middle line method of dam construction and the tailing transportation using wate isolation pumps are an effective way. 生产实践表明,采用中线法筑高坝、水隔离泵输送尾矿是行之有效的办法。
- Yao Dong agrees that the real status of the Ryukyu Islands may help to completely nullify the middle line theory and will eventually help China to solve the East China Sea conflict from the bottom. 其一是要大幅地减少中国的农民人口;其二是要放弃农产品自供自给的保护主义,以工业产品出口换取农产品进口;其三是大量廉价地向农民提供知识教育。
- The Japanese defense province explained that because the bomber aircraft has not crossed the middle line, has not encroached upon Japan's territorial airspace, therefore not public. 日本防卫省解释说,因为轰炸机没有越过中间线,没有侵犯日本的领空,所以没有公开。
- The middle lines detailed my raw ECG data and heart rate, and the bottom lines delineated the jolts of my physical movements. 中间的几条线则是我的心电图资料与心搏速率的详细情形,底下的几条线则显现我生理上的活动。
- I'm sick of being piggy in the middle all the time. 我腻烦了总是夹在争吵双方的中间。
- Carved marble is used for the four walls, and eight beaded pendant lamps arranged in two lines of three and on middle line of two hang from the ceiling. 大厅四壁用大理石雕刻,顶上悬挂八盏玻璃珠子吊灯,成三、二、三排列。
- He planted roses in the middle of the garden. 他在花园中间种上玫瑰。