- Middle East Liaison Group 中东联络组
- Here's our file on the Middle East. 这是我们关于中东的案卷。
- Things are beginning to hot up in the Middle East again. 中东的局势又开始紧张起来。
- The Middle East has been the cockpit of modern history. 中东一直是现代历史上的战场。
- The envoy extraordinary has flown to the Middle East. 特使已飞赴中东。
- The Customer Liaison Group takes a close look at our System Control Centre. 客户联络小组成员参观港灯系统控制中心,了解运作情况。
- War clouds are gathering in the Middle East. 中东战云密布。
- How do they view the situation in the Middle East? 他们对中东形势怎样看?
- He left for his assignment in the Middle East. 他去中东赴任。
- The Hong Kong Guangdong Environmental Protection Liaison Group was set up in 1990 to facilitate exchanges on environmental issues of mutual concern. 一九九零年成立的粤港环境保护联络小组,有助两地就双方关注的环境问题交流意见。
- I had little to do with the Middle East. 我跟中东问题没什么关系。
- To kickoff the scheme, boy scouts, girl guides and members of the department's Public Liaison Group were trained as Fire Safety Ambassadors. 计划的第一步,是将男、女童军和消防处的公众联络小组成员训练成为消防安全大使。
- War fever was rising all over the Middle East. 战争狂热正在整个中东地区升温。
- This book deals with the Middle East. 这本书是关于中东的。
- Responsible for the Sino-British Joint Liaison Group, Land Commission and other matters relating to the transition. 负责中英联合联络小组、土地委员会及其他与过渡有关的事宜。
- This made the Middle East the powder keg. 这使中东成了一只火药桶。
- Our products enjoy a good sale in Middle East. 我们的产品在中东很好卖。
- To kickoff the scheme,boy scouts,girl guides and members of the department's Public Liaison Group were trained as Fire Safety Ambassadors. 计划的第一步,是将男、女童军和消防处的公众联络小组成员训练成为消防安全大使。
- The Public Liaison Group was set up to encourage public participation in monitoring and improving the delivery of emergency fire and ambulance services. 消防处成立公众联络小组,目的是鼓励市民参与监察并改善消防处提供的紧急消防服务。
- I think they're from the Middle East. 我想他们从中东来。