- Abstract: Burn-out of a microwave power device due to the poor bonding between beryllium oxide and base metal sink was investigated using Sound Seanning technique. 摘要:利用声学扫描检测技术,揭示了热烧毁的微波功率器件氧化铍陶瓷基片与底座金属散热片的焊接不良现象;
- Burn-out of Microwave Power Device due to Poor Bonding 基片焊接不良导致微波功率器件热烧毁
- Microwave Power Device 微波功率器件
- The use of a background plasma in a dielectric Cherenkov maser can effectively increase the efficiency and the microwave power output of the device. 在介质切伦可夫脉塞中加入背景等离子体可有效地提高器件的效率和微波输出功率。
- Low voltage rating power device. 低电压启动。
- The drying rate of soybean is proportional to the unit microwave power exposed. 黄豆的干燥速率与单位质量占有的微波功率成正比。
- Magnetron is often used as microwave power source in clinical linac magnetron. 在医用直线加速器中通常都采用磁控管作为微波功率源。
- microwave power devices 微波功率器件
- A powerful device exploded outside the station. 一枚威力巨大的炸弹在车站外爆炸了。
- The simulation shows the device achieves the efficiency 28% when the beam is 800 kV and 10 kA, and outputs RF power of 2.25 GW. The experiment was also carried out on Sinus-700 accelerator. The measured microwave power is 2.44 GW at the frequency 9.4G Hz. 根据此理论;根据Sinus-700加速器的参数(800kV;10kA)设计了一个X波段的高功率微波器件;2.;5维Particle in Cell(PIC)程序模拟的效率为28%25;微波频率为9
- As for high power device, paste/SSDA is used popular for die attach. 对那些做大功率器件的客户来说,锡膏或者焊线用来贴芯片比较普遍。
- Present a design of the Emissive Microwave Power Control used for the UHF RFID Reader. 介绍一种用于适用于超高频段以上的射频读写器功率控制方案。
- This paper presented a MEMS microwave power sensor fabricated in GaAs MMIC technology. 提出了一种基于GaAs MMIC工艺的MEMS微波功率传感器。
- All the microwave power generation, control, and monitoring functions are contained in one user-replaceable module. 所有微波电力发动、控制和监视作用在一个用户可替换的模块包含。
- Broadband high power devices become main research object. 宽频带高功率器件成为主要的研究对象。
- The microPower is the smallest and most discreet hearing aid in the world's power device in the industry. 小霸王是世界助听器行业中体积最小、最精致的大功率助听器。
- This paper mostly researches a pulse modulator which can be used in the microwave power module. 主要研究一种可用于微波功率模块的脉冲调制器。
- He needed to devise a powerful device to detain this devil next time! 他要设计一个强有力的装置下次把魔鬼扣留起来!
- Broadband high power devices are main research object. 宽频带高功率器件成为主要研究对象。
- Automatic frequency control (AFC) system is used to adjust the frequency of microwave power source to match the inherent frequency of acceleratory tube. 自动频率控制(AFC)系统用于调节微波功率源输出的微波频率,使之与加速管的固有谐振频率匹配。