- MSRA(Microsoft Research Asia) was founded in Beijing in 1998. 微软亚洲研究院于1998年在北京成立。
- Microsoft Research Asia was founded in Beijing in November 1998. 微软亚洲研究院于1998年11月在北京成立。
- The first Ichnography Design Competition in South China University of Technology initiated by MS club and sponsored by Microsoft Research Asia debuted stately. 南京理工大学微软技术俱乐部首届平面设计大赛闪亮启动!本次大赛由微软技术俱乐部举办,并得到微软亚洲研究院的鼎力支持。
- Wangshuo, the researcher of Microsoft Research Asia. 大家把教室装扮得相似一个大会堂。
- The Chinese University and Microsoft Research Asia have long-standing academic and research collaboration. 香港中文大学与微软亚洲研究院一直进行紧密的学术及科研合作。
- Intelligent Message Filter is based on patented machine-learning technology from Microsoft Research. 智能邮件筛选器是以Microsoft Research有专利权的机器学习技术为基础的。
- The Exchange Intelligent Message Filter is based on patented machine learning technology from Microsoft Research. Exchange智能邮件筛选器是以Microsoft Research拥有专利权的机器学习技术为基础的。
- Currently the human is not considered part of the process,” said Bill Buxton, from Microsoft Research. 来自微软研究部门的bill Buxton说,现阶段人类并不被认为是process的一部分。
- This actually brings some of the work I do in my foundation together with some of the most advanced machine learning work, and Microsoft research. 这实际上带来我在我的基础中和一些最进一步的机器一起做学问工作,和微软研究的一些工作。
- From there, you can download games from Microsoft Research and you can even download the complete source to the popular game Quake II.NET. 在该页面上;您可以从Microsoft Research下载游戏;甚至可以下载流行游戏Quake II.;NET的完整源代码。
- On May.9th, Zou Jing, the commissioner in Microsoft Research Asia, university-relation department pays a visit to our college. 5月9日,微软亚洲研究院高校关系部组员邹静来我校访问。
- Tao and Ruan had once studied in Beihang University and with great efforts they finally entered Microsoft Research Asia and Microsoft Research. 因为到7点的时候有来自微软亚洲研究院高校关系经理的马歆和陈雯,还有分别在研究院和工程院实习的陶李天、阮哲同学。
- Tao Litian and Ruan Zhe talked about their experiences when practicing in Microsoft Research Asia and Microsoft Research, and students listened to them carefully. 然后陶李天和阮哲的所讲的就是一些他们在研究院和工程院实习的一些趣事和所得,在座的同学对这俩位学长、学姐所讲的都听得非常认真。
- The azolla experts are part of a nine-person team at Microsoft Research India that approaches the technology of emerging markets in unconventional ways. 这些满江红专家隶属印度微软研究中心九人团队。该团队专责以非传统方式开发新兴市场科技。
- But a new study carried out by Leskovec and Horvitz for Microsoft Research addresses some of these points since they used data that cuts across geographical and class boundaries. 但是,一项由微软研究院里斯科维克和霍维兹所主导的新研究在使用了一些透过地域和种族纽带得到的数据后,他们讲述了一些能支持分割理论的论点。
- He displaied the decade outcome of Microsoft Research Asia, and looked brilliant for future,which brought the students into a world-class technical knowledge. 他对微软亚洲研究院十年成果的展示,对辉煌前景的瞻望,为成电学子带来一份有关世界一流技术的话题的知识大餐。
- Recently, however, our team at Microsoft Research has begun a quest to digitally chronicle every aspect of a person's life, starting with one of our own lives (Bell's). 不过,我们在微软研究所的小组已经开始找寻方法,希望以数位方式把人一生中的各个面向全部记录下来,就从我们自己(本文作者贝尔)的人生开始。
- As he told “The next 10 years”, a conference organised by Microsoft Research in Cambridge, England, Dr Harel has been working on a computer model of C. elegans. 在许多生物学家看来,他所选择的生物体是秀丽隐杆线虫。
- Scientists in Microsoft Research's laboratory in Bangalore, India, displayed a prototype of a user interface for the illiterate last week during TechFest. 科学家什麽活动中的最后一周在印度班加罗尔里的微软研究院实验室发表出一个专门供文盲所使用的使用者介面的原形?