- A bookstore on Dong An Road. It's at a corner, is not it? 东安路的一家书店,在一个拐角上,是不是?
- Phenotype EsD 2 in Hani,Lisu,Dai,Naxi,She,Zhuang,Dong,Miao are over 15%,Hani is up to 32.4%. 哈尼、傈僳、傣、纳西、畲、壮、侗和苗等民族EsD2-2表型达15%25以上;哈尼族高达32.;4%25。
- Over 95% of Buyi, Shui, and Gelao people, and more than50% of Miao and Dong people live in Guizhou Province. 中国布依族、水族和仡佬族人口的95%25以上,苗族、侗族人口的50%25以上居住在贵州。
- Kaili:The biggest villages of the Miao nationality and Dong nationality are both in the southeast of Qian. 一、凯里中国最大的侗寨、最大的苗寨都在黔东南。
- A locomotive pounded dong the railway track. 一辆机车沿铁道隆隆地前行。
- Na a nin nu gun ga lu ku die miao? 那啊民努古哥卢酷跌妙?
- Quan Zhou Miao Xin Ship Equipment Service Co., Ltd. 泉州淼鑫船舶设备服务有限公司。
- The Miao women like silver ornaments. 苗族妇女喜欢带银饰物
- Jeff is back on his old stamping ground dong the thing he loves best. 杰夫回到他常去消遣的老地方干他最喜欢的事情去了。
- She was dressed in Miao clothes. 她是苗族打扮。
- MAN tot tat miao miao don understand? 主人觉得猫猫不了?
- You are welcome to Dong Fang Night Club. 欢迎您光临东方夜总会。
- The Miao nationality person fervency is hospitable. 苗族人热情好客。
- DD: So do you speak Han or Miao or both at home? 所以你在家讲汉语或苗语或都讲?
- The swimming pool in Yin Dong is bigger. 银洞那个比较大。
- Hong Miao enjoys great fame internationally, too. 虹庙在国际上也有相当的影响。
- Hong Kong lies to the south of Guang Dong province. 香港位于广东省的南面。
- Hu Dong, I have found something interesting. 胡东,我发现了些有意思的东西。
- We're going to Yin Dong swimming pool. 我们去银洞游泳池。
- They have a very long ladder at Yin Dong. 银洞那有一个很长的梯子,