- Miao minority areas 苗族社会
- D02 Overland TaiJiang and ShiDong tour for exploring the Miao minority residential area and stay over-night at the KaiLi Hotel. 凯里周边少数民族村寨观光:台江、施洞苗寨参观苗家银饰作坊及台江自然风光等,晚宿凯里宾馆。
- Favoring ethnic minority areas in appropriating funds from the central budget. 中央资金重点向少数民族地区倾斜。
- Wu Han are inhabited, scattered and mixed ethnic minority areas. 武都是汉族聚居、少数民族散杂居的地区。
- It has been 100 yearlong since the Miao Minority people got to know Christianity for the very first time. 时间距苗族与基督教的第一次接触整整一百年。
- China has instituted a system of regional autonomy in minority areas. 中国在少数民族聚居地区实行民族区域自治。
- For thousands of years Miao Minority people have been experiencing oppression and expel by another peoples. 苗族经历了千百年来被驱逐与受迫害的苦难。
- Miao minority, an ethnic group with a long history, still retains the primitive religious custom with superstition and totem worship. 摘要苗族是一个历史悠久的民族,在漫长的历史演变中,仍保留着信鬼尚巫、图腾崇拜的原始宗教文化习俗。
- Kaili: Visit the century-old tomb site of a martyred missionary in the Pounhai Miao District; visit Southern Floral Village Christian Church and the Miao Minority Christians. 凯里:瞻仰旁海苗寨里百年前殉道传教士的坟墓;参观南花村的苗族教堂;访问苗族基督徒.
- In 1961, smallpox was eliminated throughout the whole country, including minority areas. 1961年在全国包括少数民族地区消灭了天花。
- These policies and measures have greatly promoted the economic development of ethnic minority areas (see Table 3). 这些政策和措施有力地促进了少数民族地区的经济发展(见表三)。
- A nutrition survey among 160 rural Miao minority preschooler s were conducted,and grouped nutritional intervention were conducted through intake of nutrients(vitamin and minerals)and blank control. 对160名农村苗族学龄前儿童进行了膳食营养状况调查,并分组补充微维营养素进行营养干预试验。
- It will continue its efforts to bring about a change for the better in backward minority areas. 今后,政府将坚持不懈地继续努力,改变少数民族地区相对落后的面貌。
- More funds and materials allocated for assisting poor areas should be directed to poor ethnic minority areas. 各项扶贫资金和物资要更多地用于少数民族贫困地区。
- To construct well-off society in Hubei minority areas enjoys exceptional advantages as well as unfavorable restraints. 摘要湖北民族地区全面建设小康社会,既有其得天独厚的条件和基础,也有其不利的制约因素。
- Owing to increased state support for ethnic minority areas, their economic and social development was accelerated. 国家对民族地区的支持力度加大,民族地区经济社会发展加快。
- Abstract: The Enshi located in the west of Hubei province, and the residenter are include Tujia, Miao minorities. 内容提要: 恩施州的江河文化、山脉文化中的土家、苗、汉等有“待尸”的人文文化。
- Meanwhile,the construction of infrastructure facilities in minority areas has been further speeded up. 同时,少数民族地区基础设施建设进一步加快。
- The Enshi located in the west of Hubei province, and the residenter are include Tujia, Miao minorities. 摘要恩施州的江河文化、山脉文化中的土家、苗、汉等有“待尸”的人文文化。
- In 1961,smallpox was eliminated throughout the whole country,including minority areas. 1961年在全国包括少数民族地区消灭了天花。