- Last season, the Nets lost to the Miami Heat in the second round. 上赛季,篮网在第二轮比赛中被迈阿密热火淘汰了。
- Posey was also on the Miami Heat team that won the championship in 2006. 波西也是06年热火总冠军阵容中的一员。
- They held the Miami Heat under 100 on Friday night but still lost, 89-87. 这场比赛他们让热队得分低于100,但他们还是以87-89输了比赛。
- Watch a rerun of the Rockets' dismantling of the Miami Heat in Miami nearly two weeks ago. 去看看两周前火箭队在迈阿密热火队的主场肢解对手的比赛录像吧。
- After all, it hardly classifies as stunning news that the Miami Heat want to keep him. 毕竟迈阿密热队想要留下他也不是什么令人惊讶的消息了。
- In the process, Wade has thrown up monster numbers doing just about everything for the Miami Heat in the process. 韦德抛出了野兽级别的数据,在比赛中他为迈阿密热队几乎做尽所有事情。
- The robbery took place a little over two weeks after Miami Heat forward Antoine Walker was robbed at gunpoint at his Chicago town house. 劫案发生两个多星期后,迈阿密热了安托万沃克在枪口威胁下被抢,他在芝加哥的城市别墅。
- In a seemingly innocuous game against a depleted Miami HEAT squad, the Jazz had a double digit-lead and looked to be well on their way to another win. 在对阵精疲力竭的热火队的一场比赛中,爵士曾经领先了双位数而且势头也不错,本来看起来这又是一场爵士平平常常的胜利。
- The flashy guard from the Miami Heat has hurled himself into the MVP race by producing what might be the best numbers of the trio. 来自迈阿密热队的这位闪电后卫,拿出了也许是这三人中最为漂亮的数据来让他自己投身于MVP的竞争行列当中。
- Sports on talks the Cavs are supposedly having with the Miami Heat over an Anderson Varejao &Wally Szczerbiak/Shawn Marion trade. 体育有个很有意思的新闻,谈到骑士与迈阿密热火队的交易,用瓦莱乔和斯泽比亚克换马里昂。
- The champion Miami Heat elected to play a pat hand and through Sunday had the seventh-best record (17-19) in the execrable Eastern Conference. 卫冕冠军热队的战绩(17-19)在羸弱的东部仅排第八。
- The New York Knicks, Miami Heat and a few other teams already have been clearing considerable salary-cap room for the 2010 free agent class. 纽约尼克斯,迈阿密热火和其它几个球队已经为2010年的自由球员市场腾空出了足够的薪金空间。
- The Indiana Pacers have spoken to former Miami Heat coach Stan Van Gundy about their coaching vacancy, a person with knowledge of the situation said Wednesday. 据熟知内情的人士在美国时间本周三披露:印第安纳骝马队和迈阿密热浪队前任主教练斯坦范甘迪谈到空缺的教练席位。
- Fans that had nervously followed the negotiations the past month -- as Odom toyed with the idea of returning to the Miami Heat -- flocked to the popular social networking site. 在过去的这一个月,球迷们似乎都生活在水深火热之中,因为奥多姆很有可能会去迈阿密热火,这得要感谢现在网络的发达呀!
- ESPN.com's Marc Stein reported on Sunday that the Memphis Grizzlies have been pursuing Iverson, but owner Michael Heisley thought the Miami Heat had the inside track. ESPN的马克-斯特恩在周日说孟菲斯灰熊队一直在追求艾弗森,但是灰熊老板却说对艾弗森有意思的是迈阿密热火。
- China sportswear manufacturing giant Li-Ning has agreed a sponsorship deal with Miami Heat's All-star centre Shaquille O'Neal, it was announced yesterday in Beijing. 中国运动品牌巨人李宁公司已经和大鲨鱼签署了赞助协议。
- Jerry Stackhouse scored 37 points, and the Washington Wizards rediscovered defense in the second half to gain control of a close game and beat the Miami Heat 89-82. 史塔克豪斯全場獨得卅七分,華盛頓巫師隊在下半場加強防守,掌控原本比數接近的比賽,終場該隊以八十九比八十二擊敗邁阿密熱火隊。
- KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. - The barnstormers have arrived at the soft portion of their nine-game trip, starting with today's game against the last-place Miami Heat. 佛罗里达州,比斯坎湾。今天对阵东部排名最后的迈阿密热火队,湖人将开始他们九场比赛的“旅行”。
- American Airlines Arena( home to the Miami Heat), Bayside Marketplace( a waterfront shopping and dining destination) and Bayfront Park( an outdoor concert amphitheatre) draw residents and visitors. 美国航空体育馆(阿密热队的主场)海湾市场(于滨水区的购物餐饮胜地)海滨公园(形露天音乐剧场)引着居民和游客前往。
- MIAMI, June 13 (Ticker) - A heroic performance by Dwyane Wade left the Miami Heat's season hanging in the precarious balance of Gary Payton making a shot and Dirk Nowitzki missing one. 维德本赛季在迈阿密热队英雄般的表现和贾里-佩顿不太稳定的发挥赢得了比赛,德克-诺维斯基丢掉本场比赛。